Final Meeting

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The doctor makes Yunlan sit with them and told Leng he is the same mechanic who repaired his car once

Leng replied he won't remember any mechanic. Shen Wei was feeling uneasy, his heart and eyes were betraying him

"Let me go, doctor! I am feeling suffocated here"

Yunlan said and the doctor looks at Shen Wei "Stay my son, I think I am close to finding your medicine! I understand" Doctor was looking at both

"It's okay doctor~~~ I don't want anything, some people sit

 here like they are God and can play with anyone's heart"

Yunlan coughs again and it was hard for Shen Wei to bear his condition. Shen Wei stands and runs from there. The doctor understands everything and looks at Yunlan. He asks his driver to drop them back after eating

In his home, Yunlan cried loudly and fell on the bed "Don't think about him Yunlan" Said Hong

"His thoughts are my life. I can't live without him~~~ I need him, I truly love him"

Yunlan holds the pillow and shouted and on the other side, Shen Wei was crying loudly sitting on the floor 

"How dare you, Shen Wei!!! What your uncle will be thinking about you? You ruin my respect" 

His dad shouts at him and Wei stands to face him "I saved your respect, your respect will be ruined if I keep sitting there"

"If you don't leave your madness, I will kill that mechanic!"
"No, you can't do this dad~~~ I am your son, have mercy on me" Shen Wei was scared for Yunlan. he was getting weak as well

The doctor uncle was wandering in his house all alone at midnight thinking about something. Zhujiu come home and gets worried seeing his father awake and in deep thinking

"What happened, dad?"

"I am stuck in a dilemma son! I have a heavy burden on my heart"

"Tell me, dad, I am ready to lift every burden from your heart"

"If I think about my profession then my son's heart will be broken and if I think about my son then humanity will be killed"


"I am a doctor and if I knew a cure to save a life then too if I stay quiet~~~ Then I will be unfaithful to this sacred profession"

"What is the matter dad?" Zhujiu was getting curious and worried too

"Zhujiu, I find a cure for Yunlan's disease"

"That's good dad! Why you are waiting?"

"His cure is Shen Wei!!"

"What?~~~" Zhujiu steps back and his dad looks down "Yunlan loves Shen Wei~~~ Both love each other madly and to eternity~~~ You tell me, son, one side is your love and another side is Yunlan's life~~~ I am stuck my dear!!"

Zhujiu hugs his dad "Don't let the doctor fail, dad. I can see a father getting failed but not a doctor!"

"Thank you, son! Thank you~~~ You really lifted the burden from my chest"

Both keep hugging and Zhujiu secretly wipes his eyes and then smiles at his father

In Shen's house wedding, preparation was in full swing. Yunlan was admitted to the hospital due to worsening health conditions

Shen Wei was quiet like a lifeless person. It was his wedding day, so many people were present there, after the wait of 15 minutes, his doctor uncle and cousin comes there

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