#1 Almost..

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i hope you'll like it! ;)

I’m almost there, Case! Matt... my „dad“ said that we’re 10 minutes away. I miss you so much already. Oh and in case you’re wondering, yes, you’re blue top is in my bag. I hope you won’t miss it!

Love you,
Shay :)

I quickly slided my phone back to my pocket and looked outside. Palm trees, ocean, huge houses and warm sun. This all seemed too much for me since i was living in a small village in Minnesota before.

Past 20 minutes had been the most awkward 20 minutes of my life. I was driving from the airport to my new home for the next year or two I guess. I wasn’t paying attention on anything. I knew i sould’ve talk to Matt, but I just felt like it was going nowhere. There was something about him that made me feel like he didn’t want me here. I guess it is just me dramatizing...

Finally i felt the car slowing down. I took off my headphones and faced the reality. „Well Shay, we’re here now. I hope you’ll like it. Mandy is waiting for you,“ Matt said and the second I stepped out of the car I saw a woman running outside.So this isMandy..I thought. „Shay. You’re here! How was your flight?“ she asked. „It was pretty good I guess,“ i said, trying to be as nice as i could. „Oh, well come in, I’ll show you your room. Matt will take your bags.“ I took my backpack and jacket and followed Mandy inside. My room was upstairs, last door on the left. „I hope you like it.“ She said „This is great,“ I said.They are working so hard to make this perfect for me... Change your attitude now... Be nice!„Thank you Mandy, for everything!“ I said with a smile on my face.Nailed it!I thought as I saw that I made Mandy smile.

After an hour I went downstairs. „Would you mind, if I’ll go out?“ I asked. „Sure, Shay. Do you want a ride to somewhere?“Mandy answered. „Nah, I’m good. Thanks though!“ I said and walked outdoor. I was walking down the street to the beach. I hadn’t seen ocean ever in my life.

It was 3 o’clock and I was sitting on the beach drawing some random lines in sand and enjoying the sun, when suddenly i felt someone stepping on my foot. „Ouch!“ I shouted and looked up to see who it was. I saw a guy in my age standing in font of me. „I am so sorry! Oh my god, are you alright! I was catching the ball and I didn’t see you... Are you alright?“ he apologized. „Yea, I’m fine, i guess..“ I said. „Okay that’s good then. I’m Eric,“ he said and stretched his arm out. „Shay,“ I said and shook his hand. „You’re new here?“ he asked. „Yea, moved in yesterday,“ I said. „Yo, Eric, hurry up!“ I heard another guy yelling for him. „Well, your boyfriend is calling, better run!“ i told him with a quiet giggle. „Yeah, sure! See ya around?“ He smiled. „Maybe,“ I told him and he walked away.

SO WHAT YOU THINK? Let me know down in comments that if I should go on or not! I probably still will... but still, let me know if I should ;)

Love you all,

"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone" Sam Pottorff and Eric UngerWhere stories live. Discover now