this peace.

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Vegas lift the curtain and have a look outside.
The dawn is breaking.
The light is cracking in the horizon.

There is silence inside the room.
Only he can hear is the machine that determines the heart beat of the patient.

He sit down and looked at the patient intently.
With love he caress the cheeks and nose of the sleeping patient.

Gently he leaned and put a little light kiss on the forehead.

"Have more rest but wake up when you can. I am waiting for you." He whispered.

He moved to the chair near the bed and leaned back.
He also tried to sleep.

"Vegas." He heard it.

Quickly he opened his eyes and moved closer to the patient

"Vegas" again Pet said

"I am here baby" he whispered.
He hold on Pete's hand gently.

Pete opened his eyes and looked around.

"How long have I been sleeping?" Pete asked.

"Seven hours" Vegas said.

"Wow that the longest sleep I have since I became a Bodyguard." Pete said.
He smiled.

Vegas smiled.
Pete smiles.

Pete looked at his other arm.
And tried to look at his own body.

"Stay still na your wound might bleed. You're shot on the left shoulder. But not too deep. Mr. Chan is more critical." Vegas said.

"But your pah" Pete widens his eyes

Vegas bowed his head.

"His men gave him a wake me and Macau visited it while you where sleeping. Arm and Pol where here. He will be buried tomorrow." Vegas looked up at Pete.

"I don't want this life anymore. And I don't want this future for Macau." He said.

Pete smiled.
But faded. He remembers he is a Teerapanyakul bodyguard.

Vegas kiss his hand

"I know and I will support you. But one year and you'll resign" Vegas said.

Pete smiled again.
Vegas moved and kiss his lips. He moved back and sit  properly.

There is a slight knock on the door.
The nurses and doctors came to check on Pete.

"His recovery is in good tract. Only the wound of the gunshot. He can be discharge tomorrow. For now let him rest" the doctor said.

Vegas nod his head.
Medicines and prescriptions are given to him.

They leave Vegas and Pete alone.
Pete's next visit for his vitals and round check will be in two hours. A nurse will come to check on him.

Vegas made Pete comfortable and make him sit down.

"Can I eat anything?" Pete asked.

Vegas smiled and peeled some fruits.

Slight knock on the door again and it opened.

"Oh. I thought I would see a kissing scene" Macau said.

Vegas just laughed but Pete get shy.

"Hey brother in-law. I am happy to see you sitting down and awake." Macau teased him but gave him a gentle hug.
"I am really glad you are recovering" he said softly.

"Let you p' breathe." Vegas said.

Macau smiled and teased his older brother.

But moved away from Pete.

"By the way I was to buy food but p' Porsche is coming and he said he got it." Macau said.

And there is knock on the door.
Macau opened it.
Vegas sit beside Pete holding peeled sliced apples and pears.

Porsche get inside and placed the food containers on the table.

"Ei" he said to Pete.

"You have a tale to tell" Pete said in firm tone.

" know Khun Pete." Porsche teased. Because Pete became Kinn's head bodyguard when the Teerapanyakul knew about Bigs little side business.

"Well it all begin before I leave as one of the bodyguards. I did not resign really. I was to prepare a hiding place for Kinn and the rest of the family if needed.
It was nearly busted because of Time and Tay. But none of the family is on the video." Porsche paused

"But when we came. There where new people in the cafe." Pete said.

"Yes. That is one of the cover ups. Actually there are more that works in the cafe but me and the boss asked them to have a break from the following days while you where there. So when we leave. They will be on duty. The cashier or boss that you talked with is the youngest sister of Yuk. The barista is the other barista. I am not the only barista in the cafe. I only came to help he is the real employee there. And the whole village was asked to hide me and Kinn." Porsche said.

"That's why everyone we asked said they know nothing of you nor Kinn." Pete said in awe.

"Then Kinn and I went to the other island while waiting for what is next. But Mr. Chan said Kinn was really in hot pursuit. So we play the kidnapping and play dead." Porsche said.

"We hired make up artist. Videographer and editor. And actors as the goons." Porsche added.

"But the videos was so real." Vegas said.

"It was not live anyway it was edited well."Porsche said.
"Our plan was really to get Big call his boss or colleagues to collect the bait money. Then kill Kinn. It was a mannequin shot looks like Kinn. Thanks to the make up artist and Actor that taught us well." Porsche said.

Pete just looked at Porsche. And Vegas shook his head slowly left to right for a few times.

"You gave us heart attack on that mung. We where all devastated. And Khun Korn knew that?" Pete asked for clarification.

Porsche nod his head.

Vegas calmed Pete.
"At least Kinn is alive na" Vegas said and hold Pete gently.

"Then I will be back later na I will check on Mr. Chan on the other room." Porsche said. He hugged Pete and also Vegas gave a light Pat on Macau. Then leave.

"I have to go also na. P' your clothes are in this bag na. Both of you." Macau said.
He waiid in respect to his p's.

"I will meet you later at the funeral." Vegas said.

Macau nod his head. Then leave.

Pete leaned his head on Vegas chest.

"It is peaceful" Pete said softly.

"We can have a peaceful life. But simple. No luxurious house or car or things" Vegas said.
Pete smiled.

"I can live with that. I grew up on a simple life." Pete said.

"I am preparing for that simple life. After Macau's college. I will resign and attain that simple life." Vegas said.

Pete nod his head.

"Okay after Macau's college." He said.

"That is in four years to be exact" Vegas whisperd.

"Then I have four years to earn for my siblings also." Pete said.

Vegas smiled.
He kissed Pete's head.

"Will you leave your life right now for me?" Vegas asked.

Pete just nod his head and closed his eyes.
"I can't wait to be in this arms forever." He said softly.

Vegas kissed Pete's head.

Pete is held gently but securely.

"This peace forever please" Pete whispered.

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