Three: Reaper

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It shocks me that she thinks that I wouldn't want anything to do with her knowing that she's killed people. Does she not know how I got my road name? I've killed people that have deserved it. I'm not sure why I never put two and two together and figured out that she was tied to the Mason Family Mafia. Honestly, I don't care. I fell for her and not her family. I can see that there is more that she isn't telling me and she's waiting for me to process everything. I wouldn't care if she came from the fucking president of the United States. I would love her anyways. "Do you not know why I got my road name?"

"Yeah. I remember you telling me about it one night." She says softly.

"So, why would you think, for one second, that I would think any different of you after knowing you killed people? Baby, I could never think any different of you. You've had me since you walked into the clubhouse almost two years ago. I knew that I loved you a few months later and I've been in love with you ever since. I was just waiting for you to realize that you were fighting this. I don't care who you were or who you are. I fell in love with you, with the woman I got to know over the months we've been together." I wipe the single tear that falls down her face with the pad of my thumb.

"After everything that happened with my ex and my sister, I couldn't find it in myself to trust anyone romantically again. Somehow, you managed to work your way into my heart. Maybe it was the late-night pillow talks after our sexcapades. Or maybe it was the way I felt safe when you held me at night. I don't know when it was, but I do know that you ruined me for other men." After those words came out of her mouth, I slammed my lips to hers and took her in a bruising kiss. I force my tongue passed her closed lips and explore each and every inch of her mouth. Damn she tastes fucking delicious.

"You ruined me too baby girl." I said after I reluctantly pulled away. "Now, let's get down to that birthday party before the twins send a search party." She nods with a chuckle before taking my outstretched hand. I love the feeling I get when any part of her body touches mine. It's like touching a live wire and I can never get enough of the feeling.

"You're right. They'll definitely kick up a fit if their favorite uncle isn't there for their party." I open the door and allow her to exit before I follow right behind her. Two things come out of that action. One, I get to be chivalrous and two, I get to watch her fine ass sway as she walks. The downside to the latter is the raging hard on I have now. I take my free hand and adjust myself in my jeans, not even trying to hide it. "Situation, that damn knowing look in her eyes and the way they darken just a bit around the edges, has me wanting to take her back into my room and forget about the party all together.

"What can I say, I love your ass. Why don't you come over here and take care of the 'situation' for me with that smart mouth of yours?" I shrug while she laughs and shakes her head. We make it down the stairs and into the main area where the party is being held. She reaches up to kiss my cheek, but I move at the right moment and capture her lips in a heated and claiming kiss. "So beautiful."

"I'm going to see if Ali needs help with anything. You go somewhere else with your cheesiness." She giggles. I peck her cheek and walk over to Westyn and Axyl at the bar.

"Well, it's about damn time. I got tired of hearing Ali talk about how you two were being ridiculous." Axyl states. I punch him in his shoulder before taking the beer he holds out to me.

"She finally stopped fighting it. She told me some shit about her life, and we talked the shit out." Damn...I sound like I've grown a fucking pussy. Fuck it.

"Every damn day! I would have to hear Ali come home bitching about how she told Hannah not to fuck with you if she wasn't looking for something serious and she didn't listen. I would have to hear her gripe about how you looked like a damn lost puppy and even though she loves Hannah, she was getting irritated that she fucked up your head. You're her best friend and your relationship comes before any other one she has." Axyl says and Westyn agrees. "Even ours. That woman is loyal to you no matter what."

"Like the time he called after a fight with her and you two were in the middle of fucking. She dropped your ass quicker than a hot potato because her best friend needed her." Westyn says, adding his two cents to the conversation. I remember that night. It was about a year ago now. Hannah and I just got done fucking and I couldn't hold in my feelings for her any longer. So, I asked her if she ever saw us getting together other than the occasional fuck. She shot up out of bed like it was on fire and threw her clothes on faster than I've ever seen happen. She argued that we knew what this was since the beginning, and it escalated from there. I tried to stay away from her from that point on, but it didn't work out well...clearly.

"Fuck you Westyn. You're a fucking dick for reminding me. I was so close to cumming. We were trying a new position. She's become quite flexible since she started doing those yoga classes after the twins were born. Damn. She had to stop when she started to show with Brantley. I can't wait for him to get here already." Axyl has a dreamy look in his eyes and by the way he's fidgeting, I'm guessing his jeans are getting quite tight, but I can also see the excitement of his son being here soon in his face as well. It's taking over his sexual urges. "Damn it if that yoga hasn't come in handy since she's been pregnant. My wife is fucking insatiable and I fucking love every second of it."

"Dude! That's my fucking sister! I don't need to know how flexible she is!" Westyn exclaims.

"You brought it up dick! Get the fuck over it. It's not like you haven't walked in on it before." Axyl retorts. There's been plenty of times that they've been walked in on. I secretly think they like the risk of getting caught.

"You were in my fucking office! You have your own and you could have used that one." Westyn says with a scowl on his face. I'm hunched over, laughing so hard that tears are streaming down my face. "Oh, shut the fuck up Reaper. You've walked in on them before too." Like I said, they secretly enjoy getting caught.

"We wouldn't have been in your office if you wouldn't have put those damn snakes in our bed. It took me months to get her to sleep in the bed again!" Axyl retorts. Westyn and Ali have been pranking one another for as long as I can remember. "I'm pretty sure that's how we ended up with Brantley. See! We gave you something to bond with your nephew over. He was conceived in your office. You're going to be his favorite uncle instead of Reaper here."

I've finally sobered up enough to reply to Westyn's comment about me walking in on Ali and Axyl. "I may have walked in on them quite a few times, but I've seen it all before. She's my best friend. It's not the first time that I've seen her naked. It was never anything other than platonic."

"This is true. I've even threatened to beat the fuck out of him when he walks in the room while she's changing or anything like that. We were even in the middle of fucking and he just barged in, sat on the end of the bed and started having a conversation with her! She paused long enough to turn around to face him before continuing on." Axyl says.

"What can I say, we're close as fuck." She's walked in when women were giving me head or riding my cock and we've just had a conversation about whatever was going on. The women weren't too happy about it, but they were club bunnies, so I didn't really care.

"I'll say. It doesn't seem to faze either of them when they walk in on each other. They just keep doing what they're doing. I tried to stop Ali before she turned around as I was bitching up a storm and yelling for this asshole to get the fuck out. They ignored me. I just got used to it as it went on. Not like he could see anything. Hell, it's not like we haven't fucked while being in the same room before, but that wasn't my ol' lady. You try getting your sister, who is horny as fuck from pregnancy, to not get what she wants." Westyn shakes his head and scrunches his face in disgust. I understand, it's his sister, but he's used to it by now, or he should be.

"Foods done!" Ali yells from the kitchen where her dad is. We all head into the dining room where the women have set up the food. We all sit at the table and wait for Robert to say grace. Every meal we have as a family, we say grace. If we try to eat before, we get smacked. No one likes to get slapped by the moms, so we just wait patiently.

When I was younger, I didn't understand why we did it, but as I got older, I understood. This time is something we hold dear to us. It's not often that we can get together like this. We're all busy with our own lives and have our own things to do. Being able to get together for a big family dinner is the best feeling in the world. You get to reconnect with those who mean everything to you.

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