Chapter 18

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I was tackled onto the floor before my brain even had time to comprehend the danger descending onto me.

"Jooheon! Are you okay?"

Pain shot up my arm and the whole of my right side. I winced and nodded to Minhyuk, but it took my brain a few more seconds to register the chandelier that was floating off the floor now.

"It's Wonho-hyung!" As soon as I saw him, I understood immediately how the massive light fixture was hovering in the air. I also saw from the grimace on his face that he needed help. Anxious, I stood up, but Minhyuk held me down with a firm gaze.

"I'll go help, you stay here where it's safe." Minhyuk stood up before I had a chance to argue. He rushed underneath the chandelier and ran to those paralyzed with fear, probably manipulating their neural pathways in a way I would never understand to get their minds out of a state of shock.

My eyes darted around nervously. I felt like my heart was in my throat, I could barely breathe, and the heavy thumping of my pulse was everywhere in my body, drowning my thoughts. There were just so many people trapped under there. So many lives that could end in the next few seconds.

Hissing from the throbbing pain on my arm, I pushed myself off the floor, still thinking I had to help somehow. I couldn't just be a bystander. I couldn't let my friend and brother risk it all themselves.

Hyungwon was also already up, standing next to Wonho with a look of intense concentration on his face. He had Mind Control, so maybe he was helping Wonho focus all his attention on using his powers amidst the chaos happening everywhere around us. The chandelier was already shaking precariously. Losing one second of focus was enough to send it crashing down. I shivered, shutting off my mind before that terrifying thought could take hold.

I was finally ready to go into the warzone and help when I saw someone at the corner of my eye, approaching our table slowly. I turned to him and he stopped suddenly. He lowered his head and averted his gaze instantly, but I already got a look of his face and a sense of familiarity shot up from the back of my brain.

I squinted and took another step forward. He took a tiny step back.

Then I saw the white card in his hand, slightly concealed behind his thigh. He caught me looking and swiftly moved it behind his back.

"You're the thief from that night, aren't you?" I asked, even though I knew he was. It only took me a while to recognize him because he wore glasses today. I realised my question would drive him away and I didn't want him to leave if he had the VALER employee ID I needed, so in a moment of panic I blurted out the first thing I could think of. "What's your name?"

I immediately felt like an idiot for asking that, but, surprisingly, it seemed to work. There was more confusion than wariness in his eyes when he looked up at me.

"Why do you care?"

I could barely hear him from the pandemonium, so I walked closer. He didn't back away.

"You only need me for the employee ID," he said. His voice was deep and slightly raspy in a soothing way. I think it would have given me the goosebumps under different circumstances. "And I'm nothing more than a thief to you."

He took his hand from behind his back and handed me the ID. Before taking it, I said, "That's why I need to know. You're helping us, and it's not an easy job. At least let me know what to call you so I can thank you properly." After I was done speaking, I took the ID.

He snorted, and I knew he was thinking I was naive, or stupid. I could also tell he didn't trust my intentions, from his calculating and guarded gaze. "You're supposed to hate me. I tried to steal your clothes. I threatened to kill you. I could do that now, and no one would notice in this chaos."

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