Chapter 8

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-(y/n)'s pov-

You woke up in a cell chained to a wall. You tried to scream for help but it was no use they had your mouth tied to were you couldn't talk. After struggling to get free for about an hour you gave up it was no use you couldn't get free. Then that clown from earlier came and stood in front of your cell and said "give up all ready?... All that zalgo said about you made me think you were stronger than this " you bit through the thing holding your mouth and hissed at him showing your fangs and... HE LAUGHED!!! why does everyone laugh when you hiss at them! After you stopped hissing he opened your cell and put you on a chain he was holding. When he was done putting the chains on you he told you to stand up and he's going to take you to his master. On your way out of the cellar you seen a beat up liu and a beat up lost silver. They seen you to and looked at you worried... That made you scared... Just what is this guy going to do to you.

-zalgo's pov-

I sent laughing jack down to get (y/n) I just wanted to see just how string this neko girl is. If she is I will convince her to fight for my army and if she isn't I will kill her. When he walked in the room he had her still in chains, I told him to take them off of her. He did,then he left the room so I could talk to her. I started talking in the deepest voice I could "child I
bet you wondering why your here... Well... heard you work for slendermans army And I just wanted to see how powerful you actually are." I stood up off my throne and walked toward her as I walked to her she put her (f/c) and (s/f/c) tail between her legs and her ears flat on her head. Which I know means she afraid... She don't seem strong to me though. Maybe slenderman was just bluffing and she's just some weird cat girl. "child I would like you to fight me and use all your strength without holding back" after I said that she said something... Odd... "I swore n-never to use my powers again" if she has powers why won't she use them. I'm probably right slenderman was bluffing this girl has no powers. Might as well kill her... "lj, Jane,take this girl and kill her along with those other two" after I give those orders I go back to my throne and wait for the screams to begin.

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