Chapter 5 - The Monster Inside

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It's been a week since the incident in the ally, and no sign of Peter anywhere. I'm glad he has decided to give us some peace but I dread for the day when we have to face him again. Derek and Scott have been taking turns scoping out the woods for any signs of Peter or his hell raising werewolves. In the meantime I haven't let Stiles out of my sight, and I assume Derek was the same way with Cala. No way was I letting Peter have an opportunity to snatch Stiles again. I gave Stiles strict instructions that we meet every day after school at his Jeep. After sighing a billion times about how nuts I was being he reluctantly agreed and has met me every day so far.

I also met Derek's pack: Boyd, who doesn't say much. Erica Reyes, who I get along with pretty well, although she always has a death glare ready for Allison. And lastly, Isaac Lahey, who is a total angel if I ever knew one. He was, in my opinion, the smartest one in Derek's pack. Yes, including Derek. Isaac was rational, but Derek was alway about the power; but not in a phyco way like Peter. Even after meeting the three betas, Derek and I still aren't on speaking terms.

The school bell rings and I exit the classroom and fall in line with the swarming crowd of hormonal teenages for the last time today. Quickly I shove my notebook and pencil, the one Stiles gave me on my first day, in my locker and head out to the Jeep. Just as always Stiles is already there, I swear when it came to getting out of school that guy was fast. As I near the Jeep I notice Stiles is tapping his foot, something he does when he's nervous.

"You alright?" I look at him wearily.

"Wuh?" He snaps out of his thoughts. "Oh, yeah." He shakes his head out of the clouds and starts the Jeep.

I toss my jacket on the end of his bed. "What's got you all wound up?"

"The full moon is tonight."

"I know." I say hesitantly.

"So what are we going to do? This is only your what? Second full moon?" He looks over at me.

"Third." I correct him.

"Exactly. And I doubt you're in full control." He looks at me for confirmation.

"I'm never in full control." I say honestly. "You saw me last week, even Derek couldn't stop me."

"Yeah, that's not good." Stiles paces around the room and I sit on the bed. "Look, you wait here. I have an idea." Stiles stops in front of me. "I'll be back when the moon starts to rise."

"Stiles, I need to be far away from there when the moon rises." I look at him seriously.

"Trust me." He says and leaves the room when I nod at him.

I stay in the position as I wait for nightfall and Stiles' arrival. His plan better be good, I think to myself, wondering what in the world Stiles has in mind. The room darkens as the sun sets and in no time I notice the glow from the full moon as it rises. Come on Stiles, I growl in my head hoping it will make him appear, and he does. If I wasn't so stressed about the full moon, only seconds away, I would've laughed at his timing.

"What's the plan?" I jump up from the bed.

"Um, well you see..." Stiles fumbles with his words.

"Stiles." I growl.

"Well, my plan was to get Derek." I let out another growl, how could he be so stupid? "But he's busy with his betas so that didn't work..."

"Stiles!" I shout at him. "How did it take five hours to figure that out? I should be miles away from here!"

"It didn't, it only took me five minutes." He confesses. "But I didn't want you to run away from the problem, so I just waited."

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