Found at School

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Nick's POV
(After the first book. No info about the second book is required)
(G*n violence)(School shooting)
Yeah I know it's a bad start to the story







I jump out of my thoughts when Jazz shouts my name. I almost hit the ground with how high I jumped from my seat.

"What?" I mutter with wide eyes.

Jazz, Gibby, and Seth stare at me with amusement at our lunch table. It's a Friday, a chilly rainy Friday. And my friends are yelling at me.

Jazz sighs dramatically, "I said, are you coming with us to the park tomorrow?"

I shrug, tapping my fingers on the table. "Maybe."

"Seth will be there."

"Then yes. Absolutely."

Gibby rolls her eyes as Jazz smiles widely. Seth blushes darkly, the heat from his hot hot powers spreading to his cheeks.

I lean over to kiss his almost sizzling cheek. I touch his delicate curls, attempting to count them.

"We should get to class." Seth whispers.

I hum, finally looking away from his hair to observe how the cafeteria was almost completely empty.
When did the bell ring?
Whatever, Seth's curls are far more important than English class.

Sitting at my shared desk with the love of my life, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I let go of Seth's hand to pull it from under me.

It's from dad.

Hey be careful coming home from school. The department got word that a group of armed men just robbed a bank and are somewhere in the city. Should I send Rookie to come get you and your friends when school lets out?

I show Seth the text. He looks away from where his own phone was on an alert from our app. He read the text and showed me how his notification was talking about the same thing, minus dad.

I text back.

Nah we're good. I have a superhero and two lesbians to walk me home. I'm as safe as you can get.

Looking back at the teacher, I feel a strange feeling. Like the thought of having armed robbers outside the school is kinda spooky, you know?
Could I have spidey sense?
Most likely.


The door to the classroom hits the wall as it gets slammed open.

My hand shoots out to grip Seth's as we both jump up at the sound. Jazz, from the table across the walkway from us, jumps too.

Five big men pile into the room. They all hold large guns and are dressed in very serious clothes.

"Everyone stay quiet and we won't have a problem, got it kids?" One man in front grumbles.

The teacher steps back, "This is a school! These are children! You can't just come in here and-"

A man lifts his gun calmly, firing without a second thought. Kids scream as the teacher falls toward the ground.

I rush forward, letting go of Seth's hand. The men watch me as I grab the woman bleeding out. I crouch down and cover her wound with her scarf that was on the back of her chair.

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