Introduction- Willow The House-Elf

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     "Expecto Patronum!" I yelled. A small rodent escaped from the end of my wand and tried to prance around me. In its run, it decided this was too much of a task and disappeared. I dropped my sore arm and switched hands.

     "No, son," My father (Or, as you should know him as, Marvin Wailer) said. He walked towards me and put his hand on my shoulder, "That's enough for today. You've done good. Though, I must say, a mouse is a strange sort of Patronus to have. Humorous in a way." He chuckled and raised his wand.

     "Expecto Patronum!" He shouted in his deep voice. A see-through, deep blue ostrich started to run around the room. It was nearly my size! The large Patronus filled the room with a warm feeling. It ran towards me and stopped, it looked at my face curiously then ran away when the door opened. A see-through, light blue swan entered the room and gracefully met with the ostrich. They touched each other's beaks together and walked around.

     My mother, Doris Wailer, waltzed into the room with a smile on her face. She held her wand loosely in her gloved hand.

     "Being ostentatious, are we, Darling?" She chirped in an old-fashioned way. She gave her husband a quick smooch and let him answer.

     "I've been known to do so on occasion." He said with a smile. Mom stroked his close cut beard and laughed a small, dainty laugh. She looked at me and said sweetly:

     "Please do show me your Patronus, Dear." She stroked my face.

     "Well, it won't be as fowl as yours was." I joked. My dad laughed heartily while my mom looked at me confusedly. She gave a little, "hmph," and back a few steps away.

     I raised my wand up and recited the words that I practiced with my dad every Saturday since we got home from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

     The rodent popped desperately out of my wand and jumped around my head, then around my mother's, then father's. My mouse glowed a little bit and disappeared as it did earlier. My mother clapped her hands joyously.

     "Absolutely brilliant! I haven't seen such advanced wizardry in all my years. Well, not from a wizard of your age anyway. That wasn't fowl at all." She paused and raged with soft laughter as she realized my joke.

     "You are allowed to leave now, son. Please practice your wand technique. Too much flourishing." He shook his hand around and I nodded. He nodded back and I left the room. Bound towards the stairs.

     The day I got home from Hogwarts, my father had led me to his drawing room. He had given me the news that dementors, extremely foul and dark creatures that feast on human happiness, would be patrolling Hogwarts twice every month whilst we stay there. My father had decided to teach me a charm that would protect me from the dementors if they had ever decided to turn.

     The Daily Prophet had filled us in on every detail about The Ministry's search for Delvin Stitch. Which, sadly, was of very little amount. I heard Dumbledore accept the idea that Delvin never left last year, and knew that they were just covering it up.

     Up the stairs, I squirmed awkwardly into the tightly tucked sheets of my bed. The same bed in which I cried in all last summer because of words I still can't say. The same bed that I discovered I was accepted to Hogwarts in. And in this bed, how unusual, I would sleep.

     Now I sat in my room, which was only lighted by the natural light that came from the sizely balcony door in the west of my room. My billy-wigs were still twirling and danced softly to their own buzz. I was at my desk writing a letter to my dear Gryffindor friend, Ivy Whitmore. I had promised to write her every week in fear of a ghastly howler that would be sent if I weren't to write her.

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