Chapter 10

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*Louis's p.o.v*

"Come on Lou take the medicine." Zayn pleaded. I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut from the pain. "It will make you feel better. Besides the sooner you feel better the sooner you can go home." Zayn tried to bargain with me. If only he knew I didn't want to go home back or back to my uncle.

"Here I'll get him some soup." Harry said leaving. "Come on please take your medicine." I finally take my medicine and Zayn smiles in victory. "Good job Lou." He whispers kissing my cheek. I hide my blush by putting my head down and playing with my fingers.

"You know my parents could take care of me." I whisper not wanting them to know I'm even more weird. "I will let them take care of your broken leg and arm but not this cold you got sick on my watch." Zayn said shrugging. "Okay here is your soup Louis." Harry smiled walking in. "Thanks." I managed to whisper.

"You're welcome love now get better." He smiled. "Okay now get some rest so you can feel better faster." Zayn smiled kissing my forehead before leaving the room to let me sleep.

~Three days latter~

"Okay Lou it's time for you too finally get away from us." Harry joked as he drove me "home". "Thank heavens." I nervously laugh playing with my bracelet Harry and Zayn both made for me. "Okay so where do you live again?" Zayn asked looking around for my house.

"Oh it's right here." I pointed to a random house. "No one seems to be home." Harry said. "It's fine the back door is always unlocked." I whispered quickly getting out with my crutches. "Okay well bye love." Zayn yelled before I completely disappeared into the back yard.

I crutch myself two houses down where I try to stop my hand from shaking. I slowly open the door and find my uncle already standing there. "Where the hell have you been do you know how much money I lost because of you?!" He yelled trowing a glass vase at me. I jumped barely getting missed and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"And look you got so fat!" He yelled grabbing me by my neck. "I'm sorry." I whispered gasping for air. He punched me in the nose causing it to bleed and he just laughed. "You have yet to learn do you?" He snickered pushing me down on the ground.

He started to kick me as I started to cry. "Look how week and fat you have gotten!" He yelled still kicking me. I groan in pain trying to shield myself from his abuse. "Now for a surprise." He whispered darkly. My uncle dragged me across the floor by my hair and opened the basement door.

He threw me down there making my vision come and go. I lay on the groaned in pain asking why does no one truly care about me. I stay on the bottom of the steps as I finally pass out from pain.

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