Loving sight

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I'm on my daily walk till I see a crowd screaming and shouting as I see a figure run past me soon as I turn around a bumps into me quickly thinking turning me towards the crowd and kissing me as the crowd runs around trying to find someone they leave after a couple of minutes and I pull away from this guy looking at him stunned and blushing he looks at me puts his hand on my shoulder "You alright..?" He speaks as we both get pulled into a room "w-what's happening...?"
I ask cluelessly as a Tall guy in a mask came over to me and the guy that kissed me As I look around the room confused some guy comes up to me and grabs my hand "Hello we are Ghost" kissing my hand "I'm Papa IV/Cardinal" I was to stunned to speak "wait the band ghost..?"
He nods "let the Ghouls and Ghoulettes introduce themselves" the tallest guy comes over "I'm Mountain it is a true pleasure to meet you" another comes over with someone next to him "I'm Swiss and this Short man is Sodo" the short guy looks over to him " Stop calling me short man!"
I chuckle a little as Ghoulettes comes over "Hi!! I'm Cirrus!!!"
"I'm Sunshine and this is Cumulus"
I look at them and smiles shaking there hands the guy that kissed me came over nervously "I-I'm Aether..."
Papa comes over to me again "What's your name..?"
I take a deep breath "Y/N Y/L/N"
As you hear Aether whisper to himself "Y/N....such a beautiful name..."
I look at him and smile as he looks at me then his eyes open wider and Whispers to Mountain "Did you think she heard that.." Mountain looks at me then Aether again "I think so.." I walk over to him and looks at him "You think my name is beautiful..?"
He starts to stutter
I smile "Your so Sweet!"

He stares at me for a moment
"Would you like to come to the show...?...we can get you backstage" I
smiles and nod he looks at Swiss "Swiss can I talk to you in private please!!"
He walks to the corner with Swiss as I start to talk with Mountain

(Aether's POV)
I walk to a corner with Swiss and whispers to him "Swiss I think I have a crush on Y/n" Swiss looks at Y/n then to me "Man you already kissed her.." he looks shocked for a little "So saw me kiss her!?!?"
Swiss chuckled "we all did..."
I go silent Swiss speaks up "just go tell her that you like her"

(Back to Y/N POV)
As I talk to Mountain I look over at Aether and I hear Mountain whisper "You like him don't you?"
I look at Mountain and nods "you know he likes you right" I look at him "Wait really!"
He nods and we continue to talk about the concert...

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