The confession

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Mountain and Swiss lightly pushes me and Aether together and walk away with the others to go set up and do a sound check "Y/N...I have something to say.." I look at him "Look I really like you..." he touches the side of my face "im hoping you like me back" I smile "I like you too" he smiles and hugs me tight as he leads me to the other setting up for the concert and I sat down on a seat near by and watched as they do a sound test

Few hours later (After the concert)

I had decided to go with the ghoulette's to there room after getting back to their house as they played some music and swaying to the beat as I get up and start to sway side to side getting into the grove just swaying away to the music as the Ghoulettes did the same as I start to sway slowly I feel a pair of hands touch my waist looking up to see Aether swaying to the beat holding my waist gently I smile and continue to dance with him twirling as my dress flows he grabs my waist dipping me down carefully pulling me back up to meet his face close to mine as I look into his eyes Bound starts to play (Bound to fall in love song)

Bound (Bound) Bound (Bound)
He looks at me with love and kisses my lips softly
Bound to fall in love <3
Holding me close to him and the Ghoulettes just look at us smiling he breaks the kiss and smiles
Bound (Bound) Bound (Bound)
He looks deep into my eyes as I pull him in for another kiss
Bound to fall in love....
I break the kiss as Sodo is just standing at the door in shock While Swiss , Cirrus , Cumulus and Sunshine are laughing their asses off and me and Aether start cracking up laughing as Aether holds me close to him

Sodo stands there for a good minute then decides to leave while Swiss comes in and sits with the ghoulettes I and Aether decided to join them as the play UNO I watched as Aether was playing with the others helping him out a lot until Swiss complains "That's not fair you have help" everyone starts to laugh again

After playing UNO we decided to play a movie i sat in the middle of Aether and Swiss while Sunshine lays in between my legs soon I fell asleep on Aether's shoulder and gets comfortable as Swiss is just hugging me while the Ghoulette's grabbed their camera and takes a picture and the wake up Aether and Swiss kinda waking me up...

(Aether's POV)
I get woken up by the ghoulette because they thought it would be better for us if we go back to our rooms as I Pick up Y/N bridal style carrying her to my bed I get to mine and Sodo's room laying Y/N down on my bed as I pull the covers over her and I jump into the bed and holds her tightly falling back asleep....

(A/N: Chapter 3 is on its way just taking some time to think about what it should be about)

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