Humans or beasts?

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It was evening in the town of Wartwood, the streets were quiet, the stores were beginning to close and the wind was blowing gently, it was undoubtedly a calm and relaxing night.

Most of the frogs thought so too since almost all of them were resting after a hard day's work, some having drinks outside a restaurant called Stumpy's Diner.

Soon, a one-eyed frog opened the restaurant doors, this was Wally, the local lazy frog known to everyone in Wartwood. "Goodnight, you frogs! See you in the morrow."

Waving goodbye to two frogs, Wally walked away before begging and stumbling into some barrels.


His little incident drew laughter from the frogs he had said goodbye to earlier, clearly finding it hilarious.

Wally didn't seem to mind this though, continuing his walk down the dark forest path, while humming to himself and playing his concertina.

But whether it was from the drink or the food he had consumed, Wally couldn't help but feel a little nervous walking through the woods tonight.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of a twig, which made the frog stop short, before turning towards where he thought he heard the noise.


However, there seemed to be no sign of anything around, but as he was about to walk away, he heard footsteps behind him, causing him to turn around again and groan in fear.

"What's that?

Wally backed away slowly in clear fear but stopped as a shadow loomed over him and as he turned to look back, to his horror, two monster-like figures emerged from the bushes.


Wally screamed in terror at what he saw, before running as far away as possible. Shortly after, the aforementioned 'beasts' emerged from those same bushes, revealing that they were nothing more than two simple human girls, who saw Wally running in the distance.

"Oh, just great," Pandora said, sarcastically. "It was our chance to get help." She then turned her attention to Anne. "You do realize this is your fault, right?"

"What?" Anne said, somewhat offended. "Hey, you were the one who stepped on that branch, right?"

"Yeah... but, this was your idea, to begin with," Pandora groaned, before sighing and rolling her eyes. "Whatever, let's go back to the cave."

Soon, the two entered the forest to go to the aforementioned cave, not knowing what would await the two of them.


The next day, in the town known as Wartwood, everything was as lively as ever, with the frogs minding their own business, while the frog children hopped and chased each other.

Meanwhile, outside Grub & Go, a large snail could be seen pulling up and parking in front of the store, with two frogs and a tadpole on its back.

"All right, kids I'm gonna do little shoppin'. You watch the cart."

"You got it, Hop Pop! I'll defend this cart with my LIIIIIIIFE!!" Sprig shouted, confidently, as he thumped his chest.

"Sprig, I was talkin' to Polly," Hop Pop clarified, leaving Sprig confused and kinda disappointed.

"What? Polly's a baby."

"You're a baby!" Polly shouted at her older brother.

"Polly's got more responsibility in her little flipper than you have in your entire body."

Another human in Amphibia (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now