Chapter two

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"Oh my Gosh!" yelled out Kayla making sure everyone in the cafeteria heard her as she strode through the main doors and walked towards our table. "It is only seven thirty and our first round of parli debate doesn't start until ten! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!"

"Shut up K! Everyone is looking!" this time it was Stephie. Stephanie Wood is your average blonde girl. She was well blonde, she had blue eyes, she was a cheerleader, and she was gorgeous. I still wonder why she's friends with me.

I stared wide eyed at the two argue. Kayla running her hands thrrough her short black hair. Her green eyes annoyed and pissed off.

"Why are you guys matching?" I asked out of the blue. They both stared at me now. They had on dark blue pencil skirts that were below mid thigh and pale white chifon long sleeved button down shirts. They both even curled their hair.

"We thought it be cute. Right Steph?" Kayla replied nudging Stephanie in the side who was staring at a guy from across the large room.

"Hm yes. But it's weird because I'm your partner Kayla. You should have partnered up with Steph instead so it would make more sense," I said thinking about their stronge but cute dress code.

"You're calling us weird?" Steph said laughing outloud causing me to frown slightly. "That's funny because last time I checked your the one that drinks lemonade with a spoon." 

"Hey! That is totally normal! I'm sure I'm not the only one who does it," I refuted and crosed my arms over my chest. I looked around the table seeing Steph, Kayla, Eric, and even Brock stare at me with blank faces. "Hmph whatever this is a stupid conversation."

Everyone one went back to doing their own thing while I sat quitely staring around the room. Kayla and Steph were on my left talking about planning a beach trip, Eric was across from me talking to Mark a sophomore on our team who was also on the football team, Lisa who was next to Brock was actually dead silent and looking at her debate case. I felt a little out of place and alone, but I should be used to it by now. 

"I do it too so its not weird," I looked up from my lap and saw Brock still looking down at his phone but I think it was directed to me.

"See. I told you so," I said softly now somewhat awkward and self conscious but I dont think anyone actually heard me so I didnt say much else. But after a while the cafeteria started to empty as people left for their individual events which came before the partner events. 

"What is this?" Brock asked showing me the screen on his phone by reaching over the table. He was playing Whats The Word on his iPhone. I was somewhat surprised that he would be into this type of puzzle game.

"Uhm...I think they are columns," I said once I looked at all four pictures and the letter choices.

"Damn. You are smart. I've been staring at the fucking screen for the last ten minutes," he said but then went back to playing his game. Inside I was hoping he would ask me to help him again since no one else bothered to talk to me at the moment. I felt like a bit of a creeper as I took in his appearance.

He was the definition of sexy. I'm serious if you looked up "sexy" or any synonym of the word he would show up in a picture. He had brown hair that was somewhat wavy but not long enough to reachhis eyes, it was cut shorter. His eyes were a light gray that were too die for. Under his black leather jacket was a white button down shirt. He seemed to be tall, about 5' 10" or so. I bet he had great abs as well. Gosh Misty snap out of it! this is not like you!

I took a peek at him once more and caught him looking back at me. This is the second time this has happened! It caused me to snap my head away and avert my eyes. Then I heard him murmur something to Eric and saw the two of them walk out the cafeteria together. Kayla and Stephanie were still talking about makeup as always, so again I was left to sit there by myself. I really need to get a life or more friends. I thought to myself.

"Oh my gosh! Tell me you think he is fine!" Kayla squealed to Steph and me as the boys were out the doors for sure.

"He's definitely a pothead, no doubt" I said not wanting to admit that that boy looked like a greek God.

"So what! That doesntt mean he ain't sexxaaay," Kayla replied in defense laughing.

"Kayla you got a boyfriend, calm your ass down," Steph said. She was always the more level headed one. 

"Shush! They're back," I warned with narrowed eyes. I forced myself to not look at them as they sat back down across from us. I burried my head into my book, Pride and Prejudice, instead.

"So where did you go?" Kayla asked them a little too abruptly.

"I'm not telling you," Eric teased her. I think he may have a thing for Kayla but never does anything because he knows about the whole boyfriend situation.

"Screw you!" Kayla replied in her high pitched voice.

"You're gonna be my partner for parli," Eric said causing my head to jerk up since Kayla was my partner.

"I can't just ditch Misty you dumbass," Kayla said as though it was obvious as she looked at Eric and then smiled at me. She was always a good friend to me making me smile back slightly.

"Uhm..." was all I could say when Eric and Kayla kept staring at me because I didnt know what was going on really.

"Don't worry, we have this all worked out," he smirked. "Brock is ditching Lisa and is going to be partners with Misty. Now Lisa needs a partner but no one wants to be with her except for that freshman kid no one knows, who is actually my partner. This way I dont have to partner with him and I can just be partners with Kayla. Steph already has Daniel so that's taken care of." He finished leaving us all confused as to why we were switching partners suddenly. All I could think of was that Eric wanted some time to spend with Kayla since he's always had a thing for her.

"Basically Misty is gonna be with me and Eric is gonna be with Kayla," Brock said finally speaking up while resting back in his chair with his legs spread out in front of him. "Is that ok with you?" he asked me.

I just nodded slightly and listened to Kayla fight with Eric, while Steph put in her two cents every now and then. Brock on the other hand was most likely playing what's the word again but he soon got up and sat on my left since Kayla eventualy moved over to Eric's side to pester him.

 He was right next to me and his face leaned in towards mine so that I could feel his breath on the side of my face. He was too close for my liking. I couldnt stand it so I sat as still as possible because for some reason I was too afraid to make a move in case he may notice it.  I looked up at him slowly, only to find his gray eyes peircing into my dull black ones.

"Wanna play?" Brock asked me quiet enough so only  I could hear.

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