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"Tobio, are you serious?" Shoyo clapped a hand over his mouth as joyful tears filled his eyes. He continued to stare into Tobio's deep blue eyes as he knelt on the ground. The small gold band in the box Tobio was holding glinted softly with the setting sun's reflection.

Tobio smiled softly. "I've never been more serious about anything, Shoyo. I can't imagine anyone else on this planet being in your spot. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life by your side." He took a deep breath, tears pricking at his eyes. "Please, marry me, Shoyo Hinata."

A tear rolled down Shoyo's cheek. "Yes, of course, I'll marry you, Tobio." Tobio stood up as Shoyo took a step closer to him. He took the ring out of the box and slowly slid it onto Shoyo's ring finger. When he finished his action, Shoyo wrapped his arms around Tobio's neck, burying his face in the latter's shoulder.

Tobio squeezed his arms around Shoyo's back before they slowly pulled away. Shoyo stood on his toes and crushed Tobio in a kiss. Shoyo wrapped his hands around the back of Tobio's neck and pulled him closer in the kiss. Tobio took this as his cue to slowly feed his hands through Shoyo's hair, a small smile forming on his lips.

It wasn't until they pulled away that Shoyo noticed the other people that had joined them at this small park by the lake.

"Congrats!" Shoyo heard Nishinoya's voice before he saw him, turning quickly as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Shoyo grinned at the sight of his former libero. "Noya! What are you doing here?" Nishinoya smirked along with the other teammates of Shoyo's that had shown up for this big moment. "Or should I ask, what are you all doing here?" Shoyo giggled.

"We came to be here for your big moment, bro!" The next voice that Shoyo had associated with Atsumu's piped up next as he pulled Shoyo into a tight and quick hug.

"Thanks, man," Shoyo smiled as Tobio entwined their fingers at his side.

"Yeah, we helped Kags over here plan the whole thing," Bokuto spoke next, slinging a muscular arm over Tobio's shoulder.

Shoyo's heart warmed at the gesture from all of his closest friends, from past teams and present.

From the back of the small crowd, the pop of a bottle was heard. Confused, the group turned towards the point of the sound.

"What are you all standing around for," Sugawara quirked an eyebrow, clenching the now-open bottle of champagne. "It's time to celebrate!"


The celebrations for the engagement of Shoyo and Tobio carried deep into the night. By the time the party had died down, Sugawara and Daichi's small townhouse resembled the aftermath of a tornado.

Nevertheless, it was a fantastic celebration. Tobio and Shoyo had barely been able to sneak out once it had ended.

But once they returned home, Shoyo sighed with relief at the sight of their clean apartment. He had barely taken his coat off once he and Tobio reached their shared bedroom. He flopped down on the bed, Tobio following suit.

"Tonight was amazing," Shoyo's eyes glistened in the moonlight as he looked up toward the ceiling of their room. He smiled as he felt Tobio's hand on top of his, slowly entwining their fingers.

"I'm glad you liked it," Shoyo turned his head to gaze into Tobio's ocean-blue eyes. "I've been planning for months." A slight hint of a smile could be seen on Tobio's lips.

Shoyo pressed himself forward and placed a kiss against Tobio's nose. "I can't wait to marry you."

"I can't wait to make you a Kageyama," Tobio grinned as he pulled Shoyo into a tight hug against his chest. Shoyo giggled, taking a deep breath and inhaling the scent of the cologne Tobio was wearing and relaxed against his fiancé. He felt Tobio kiss the top of his head as he pulled away just enough to face Tobio.

"We're gonna have to start planning," Shoyo watched as Tobio cringed at the thought.

Tobio groaned quietly before saying, "We'll worry about that tomorrow." He allowed himself a quick laugh before continuing. "My sister is going to go insane once she hears we're starting to plan. Miwa lives for that kind of stuff."

"Oh, shit, I haven't told Natsu! She's gonna flip."

"In a good or bad way?"

"Definitely good," Shoyo hummed. "She would ask me if you had proposed yet every time I was in town."

"Well, now you can tell her I did," Tobio's smile drooped.

Shoyo quirked an eyebrow at the change in Tobio's attitude. "Something on your mind?"

The shy grin returned to Tobio's face. "Just... thinking about how I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

A small blush spread over Shoyo's face as butterflies filled his stomach with anxious thoughts of where this would take his relationship with Tobio. "Don't go pulling a Daichi on me before you do so. Promise?"


Shoyo propped himself up on his forearms and gazed over at the clock on Tobio's nightstand before plopping back down on his pillow. He yawned once, exhausted from the day's events. Tobio watched Shoyo do this and slowly slid an arm around Shoyo's waist as he lowered himself onto his pillow.

With Shoyo's back against Tobio's chest, Shoyo relaxed into the touch as the drowsiness was fully conquering him.

"I love you, Tobio," Shoyo whispered as he pulled Tobio's hand close to his chest.

Tobio sighed with a smile. "I love you across the court and back," His breath tickled Shoyo's neck as he recited the small phrase. It only took a few moments for the two to fall asleep securely in each other's arms.

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