The lakota camp + The mare, Rain

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You and Spirit were brought to a campsite full of Lakota people. When you climb down from the mare along with the man who you knew as Little Creek help.

You were then immediately surrounded by many of the local's children and women. They were curious about you as you look way different than them.

A child tries to climb onto you which made you kneel as the children grab onto your blonde hair in awe. One of them, a little girl took off your cap and tried to put it on only for it to slide forward covering her eyes and making you chuckle.

Before they could do anything else, Creek spoke to them in their language which you couldn't understand as they parted their ways back to their families.

You stood up holding your cap as you followed Creek to a tent full of girls your age. Creek and one of the girls chatted before she invited you in you smile in thanks.

Before you were halfway inside, you turn to Creek to thank him.

"Thank you for this."

"Anything for a beautiful woman,"

You blushed at his words and nervously chuckled before wishing him a good night and heading inside the tent for the night.

the next morning, Spirit woke up smacking his lips together before being fully awake in surprise when he sees a stack of apples right beside him. He look around for anything suspicious but there was none, so he devour the apples.

He slowly stop eating when he notice the beautiful mare from yesterday was nearby. He admires her from afar in awe. He then smirks and neighed to get her attention but failed until Creek came by and he started playing with her. This made Spirit a bit jealous and snorts in disgust.

Meanwhile, you were exploring the camp as you wore a Lakota dress with your hair braided with the help of the women you share a tent with.

Meanwhile, you were exploring the camp as you wore a Lakota dress with your hair braided with the help of the women you share a tent with

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You then went over a hill and saw Creek trying to put on a cloth the Mustang failed many times and falls outside the ring as the stallion chased him before the mare, that Creek called her Rain protected her owner making Spirit walk away

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You then went over a hill and saw Creek trying to put on a cloth the Mustang failed many times and falls outside the ring as the stallion chased him before the mare, that Creek called her Rain protected her owner making Spirit walk away. He then saw you above the hill and neighed in excitement.

You chuckled as you walk down the hill to lean on the fence as he gallop towards you.

"Hey, buddy," he whines in response. You then look at Creek as he was still on the ground. You walk towards him to help him get up.

"Sorry about him, he never lets anyone ride him since he's a wild horse."

A moment later, Creek ties a rope on his horse and Spirit.

"Let's see if you can teach this mustang some manners,"

As he opens the gate, both horse race through the field. Spirit was happy he was released racing to go home.

However, Rain stops the stallion with the rope connecting them. Spirit tries to run again dragging her along but Rain stops him by sitting down on the ground. Spirit struggles to be released but stops as it was no use.

Rain then got up and walk around Spirit rounding the rope without Spirit's acknowledgment as he was too busy admiring her looks. He was then tripped to the side by the rope making him shocked.

He snapped out of his daze and got up rolling his eyes with a small smile.

Okay, I admit she was charming but in a stubborn and irritating kind of way, so I let her show me her world.

(Sorry, I wasn't in the mood to put it above)

As Spirit looks around the campsite passing by the people nearby.

They were both then greeted by the other horses making Spirit raise a brow.

The man put some paint on one of the horses making Spirit even more confused and the others rolled their eyes.

The next day, Creek tried to put some paint on him as you watch nearby. Nonetheless, Spirit stepped on the bowl of paint making it splattered all over the man's face and body as he wipe away some of his eyes.

Spirit neighs in laughter and you giggle at the scene making Creek pout but smile at the both of you.

A baby Lakota girl then came up to Spirit and reached out toward him. He lowered his head for her to reach.

(sorry, I don't of the child so I just pronounce her as a girl)

She started playing with his nose making him uncomfortable and snorting lifting his head and making the girl fall to the ground.

She then starts crying making Spirit worried that he had hurt her rubbing his snout on her cheek in comfort. This made her giggle and hug his snout as she was lifted from the ground to stand back up.

She let go of him and walked away saying goodbye to the horse.
She walked towards where you were and almost tripped but you saw this and quickly saved her. She laughed in delight making you chuckle at her cuteness.

Rain looks at Spirit making him notice and look away in embarrassment as she had witnessed the whole thing.

The stallion and the girl (spirit the stallion of the cinnamon X reader)Where stories live. Discover now