You're all Scotch,no Soda

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Garroth couldn't help but stare at Laurence from across the bar. Laurence left a bitter taste in his mouth but he kept coming back for more. All the words Aphmau spoke to him were going in one ear out the other, it sounded like buzzing. He stared at Laurence's hands and how he held his cup, watching him drink. Garroth felt heat rise to his face as he thought about how beautiful Laurence's scared lips looked.

He practically jumped out of his skin when Aphmau waved a hand Infront of his face. "Hello?? Earth to Garroth" she called. "Were you even listening to me?"

"Er…sorry Aph, I was just thinking and I guess I got lost" He looked away from Laurence, meeting eye contact with his Lord. They had decided to discuss village funds and trading over dinner. Nothing could beat Donna's cooking and beer so they opted for her Brothel.

"Sure you weren't looking at all the beautiful women?" Aphmau teased him, she knew he had no interest in them but decided to poke fun at him anyways.

"Not the women…definitely looking at something beautiful" he muttered, he had meant to keep those thoughts in his mind.

"Anyways, because you're too busy staring at casanova, I'll just write down some of the points I made and leave them at your desk " Aphmau smiled, she knew full well she couldn't write and that Zoey would need to write for her. "You should go talk to prince charming" she lightly punched his shoulder before standing up and stretching.

"I'm not interested in him. I despise him. He's like scotch with no soda, leaves an awful taste in my mouth." As much as Garroth wanted to hate the shadow knight, he felt himself be drawn back every time.

"Whatever you say. I'll see you in the morning, and no, I don't need you to walk me home" Aphmau gave him a kiss on the forehead before heading out. She saw Garroth as family and nothing more.

Before Garroth could retaliate she had already left him there alone at the bar. He felt himself relax for a second. The relaxation was cut short when the empty seat next to him was filled.

"You were staring at me" The familiar voice ripped all feelings of being calm from Garroth. It felt like a punch to his chest.

"I was not, I was merely looking in your direction" Garroth looked down at the table, looking at his drink. He couldn't dare look Laurence in the eyes.

"Oh? Well then it must've been a coincidence that whenever I would go to drink you'd blush." Laurence knew Garroth was staring directly at his lips. Laurence had his fair share of moments of staring at Garroth. He was beautiful in Laurence's eyes.

His strong jawline, and small amount of stubble. Soft blue eyes, face littered with freckles. He adored how Garroth's hair curled slightly, framing his face beautifully. When they'd train together he couldn't help but stare at Garroth's chest and imagine resting his head on it.

Garroth stood up quickly, he placed his money on the counter for Donna and stormed out. He was tired of Laurence's teasing, he didn't know much longer he could take it. He felt like he was dancing the masochism Tango, Laurence constantly stabbing at him.

Garroth decided to go to the guard tower and sit up at the top. He could see Aphmau's house from there,in fact he could see the entirety of Pheonixdrop from there. Something about being the watcher in the sky calmed him. He could see everything. Going up there alone always helped him clear his head. Garroth found that solitude always helped him calm, it was something he learned at a young age.

After about 30 minutes of sitting up there clearing his head, he heard the ladder squeak. He could only hope it was Dante or Brian, or even Dale. Anyone but Laurence, but his hopes were shattered as soon as he saw him.

"Can't you take a hint? I don't want to see your fucking face" Garroth shouted at him, he was at his wits end with his fellow guard.

"I can take a hint, but I want to see your face. Garroth I see the way you look at me, I can't help but stare back" Laurence slowly approached him, Garroth stayed still being almost terrified. "Stop hiding, just say it already"

Garroth shook his head, looking away. His gaze was brought back to Laurence when he felt a strong gloved hand cup his face forcing him to look into those beautiful green eyes. "Please, just tell me what you want already"

Garroth could hear the desperation in Laurence's voice, the alcohol must've brought out his confidence. "Get your filthy hands off of me" He swatted Laurence away, getting a frown from the brunette. Laurence gave him such a sad pathetic look, it made Garroth's heart race.

"Laurence…" He stood up from the chair he sat in, meeting Laurence's eyes. He wasn't sure why he did it, but he grabbed Laurence's shirt pulling him in for a kiss. Laurence backed away slightly, eyes wide in shock.

"Oh my Irene, Laurence I didn't….I'm sorry oh Irene."Garroth backed up, tripping on the chair ,almost falling.

"Kiss me again" Laurence grabbed his hand, he was breathing heavily. His face was flushed and his hands clammy. Garroth grabbed his shirt and kissed him again. This time it was less hate filled, instead it was curious. They had been both longing for one another's touch.

Laurence placed his hands in Garroth's hair as he deepened the kiss. They were rudely interrupted by the sound of Dante coming up the ladder, calling up to them. "Hello??? Anyone up there?"

They quickly scrambled apart from one another and fixed their hair and shirts. "We're discussing training tactics" Laurence said right before Dante entered.

"Oh, cool, can I help come up with stuff?"

You're all Scotch,No Soda  (Laurence x Garroth) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now