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They told me the newest Recruit was a young woman from a village most wealthy Saegian families haven't even heard of.

Before meeting her, I'd come to two conclusions - this was either a joke, or a suicide.

I'll never forget the night we first met.

I was sitting quietly in the carriage, listening to the downpour outside. Thunder rocked the ground every thirty seconds, and no matter how many times lightning flashed across my eyes, I'd never cease to jump in my seat when I saw it.

We'd been having particularly stormy weather that season. I breathed in the warm, humid air and glanced around. Must be at least nine o'clock in the evening, I thought, even though we left just before seven.

It felt like forever before the carriage came to an abrupt halt, jerking me back to reality. My butler Thomas pulled open the door and dipped his head as I stepped outside.

"The Recruit is awaiting your arrival, Your Majesty," he said, gesturing towards the front door of the large stone building. This building housed all potential new members of the Shield.

I nodded. "Right. Thank you, Thomas."

I took my walking stick from him and started towards the building.

The mud was rather unpleasant to walk in, and I cursed under my breath. I raised my hand to knock on the wooden door, but it swung open before I had the chance.

"King Dastriel! Your Majesty, please come inside! The weather is most dreadful tonight!"

The speaker was Sirva, keeper of all Recruits yet to pass initiation.

Behind her I could see Arion, the keeper of Recruits who have passed initiation and have begun their training.

"Welcome, Your Majesty," Arion greeted with a curt bow.

Sirva took my stick, hat and jacket and led me to the main room.

"Sir, this is the woman who wishes to be initiated into the Recruits," Sirva explained as a new girl walked up to us.

She looked about eighteen to twenty, with intense green eyes and long brown hair. She was skinny but muscular and her clothes were in rags. "Your Majesty," she murmered. "Thank you for traveling so far to give a poor girl like me a chance."

I let a small smile manifest itself on my face. She was pitiable, but I found her amusing all the same.

When I noticed she was shaking, I stepped foreward and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Why is milday so nervous?"

"Well.. Y-you are the king, Your Majesty."

"If you pass initiation, I am your equal."

She gazed at me with fascinated eyes. I knew then that I liked her, but I was unsure how long she'd last. She looked weak and scared. Likely, this was a last resort to escape from the hunger and disease of her home.

"But before that, you must pass. What are your motives for seeking out the Shield as a new home and family?"

She looked down, then lifted her chin up and took a shaky breath. "It's always been my dream, Sir."

I wanted to be kind. I really did. But my position demanded that I be harsh and honest.

"You look ill and ill-prepared."

"I am not. I-I can do it." A fire burned inside her, I could see. Her eyes reflected the spirit of a warrior.

"Then prove it."


Prologue, done! I'll have the first chapter out soon! What do you guys think? I've been planning this story out for a long time.

Please review and give me constructive critism! I want to improve! If you'd like, I can the the same for your stories.

Vote and follow for more if you enjoyed!! (: ♥︎

- Emikoda

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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