Part 6

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Evander Rowe

There was no introduction to the third stage, but I was sure it had begun.

"Elektra? Narcissus?" They sounded far away, and I couldn't hear what they were saying.

A weight settled in my chest. With ragged breathing, my eyes skipped from one area to the next. I had to find a way out. There had to be some kind of door, and I was just missing it.

"You're actually missing a lot. Like your sister, but just the fabrication of her, right? It's admirable, really, to also miss the stranger that very well could be stabbing you in the back, but me saying this isn't new to you. Nobody bet you were this perceptive. Looks as though we've got a real underdog here, and your memory is intact! Was that a little too condescending? I'll tell you what. Because of your determination, I'll work on being more tolerable. A little gift for you, since we took everything else."

I grabbed both sides of my head and crouched with my knees hovering above the ground. "Why am I here?" I asked to the emptiness around me. My head was bowed.

"We must lower each of you to the point that you do one of two things: rise above, or succumb to despair. Really, it is your choice. Which way are you going?"

They put it so simply, contrary to the reality. Or maybe life could be simplified and deconstructed to the demand between fighting to survive or not.

The stage was set. I was alone.

The voice sounded sympathetic as it spoke again. "I feel bad for you. If Narcissus hadn't sought out and pursued Elektra to check out the clinic, her bleeding heart wouldn't have pulled her or you in. You'd both probably be playing a game with grandma right now. It's funny how things work out sometimes."

I sat down.

"Why else do you think he has no memories? For one, this was a rush job and there was no time to painstakingly comb through what he would have given away. Plus, this version was orchestrated for you and your sister, but we ran the numbers and found more intriguing variables with Narcissus included. Together, you were the ideal first subjects. But don't worry, this will be over soon. It's about time that we moved on, and returned you. I want to remind you that while it is frightening to be in this position, I hope you are grateful that you were a part of the first trial, which is significantly shorter than the full length experiment we are planning."

My teeth clenched and my fists balled at my sides.

"Before that, though, you have to go through the final stage. It starts when you wake up. Wake up, Evander."

I blinked. Light poured into my eyes. Paired with Elektra's piercing scream, a stabbing pain shot through my head. I winced at the pressure increasing on my chest and lungs.

"Please," I croaked.

Her sobbing continued. "Evander..."

"Stop it." My throat felt raw. "I'm here."

"Alright," she sniffled. It was the most reasonable I had seen her since we woke up. "Narcissus went to get water, I guess. I don't really know. Can you sit up?"

My chest strained and protested as coughs erupted from my mouth.

"He should be back with the water by now," Elektra said, worry etched into her tone and furrowed eyebrows. "Hold on."

I grabbed her wrist before she got away. "Don't leave."

She pried herself out of my grip. "I will be right back. Don't worry."

My back hit the ground again. I let my eyes close. Shivers set in.

Beside the pain, and the worry that Narcissus could hurt my sister, I felt doubt. What the voice said made sense, but their motivation didn't match. Why offer comfort, however snidely presented, apart from the blatant implication of mind tricks or to beckon victims' affront? Those reasons didn't seem good enough to risk derailing an elaborate experiment.

The ringing in my ears blocked me from trying to hear any interaction between Elektra and Narcissus. Beneath me, the ground grew hotter and started quaking. I pushed myself up into a sitting position against black spots filling my vision. My chest heaved.

Then Elektra reappeared with Narcissus walking up behind her. She was carrying a makeshift cup made from a few folded leaves. He was distracted like he was mulling over a problem he couldn't solve.

"Here," she bent to gingerly place the water in my hands. "Just sip it."

As Narcissus approached my sister, my eyelids drooped and my chin dropped to my chest.

My eyes met his over the cup touching my lips. His look darkened. I couldn't move. Then I saw nothing.

"Evander? Evander!" Elektra leaned over me. "Evander, I don't understand. Why did you do it?"

What did I do? My mouth felt numb. My head was packed with cotton. Was this what it felt like to wake from a coma?

"I'm sorry, but I have to go now. There isn't much time. They're already on their way."

Go where?

She was smiling. "Nana will be so heartbroken, but I won't mention what you did. I can protect her from that."

My limbs were too dense to lift.

Elektra leaned in closer and cupped my chin, pinching my cheeks into my mouth. "I guess in a way, we all got what we wanted, but it would have happened eventually. It's over now." Then she tilted my head to the side and released her hold to walk away. Narcissus's body was crumpled in a heap next to me.

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