FOUR - guilt

912 17 6

y/n's pov

I SIT AT my desk, waiting for the lunch bell to ring. it is incredibly hard to avoid robin, considering he is in most of my classes today. i notice bruce tapping his fingers on his desk continuously, which is doing my head in.

"can you stop the tapping please?" i ask quietly.

"sorry," he apologises, immediately putting his hands in his lap.

"all good," i smile.

"mr yamada, miss blake, maybe you'd like to finish your conversation after the bell rings?" mrs. pratt says, sending the class to stare at us two. including robin. i watch as he rolls his dark brown eyes and diverts his eyes to the front of the class.

lunchtime came by quickly. i catch up with gwen, who i see walking down the hallway.

"hey sis, how's the head?" she asks.

"better, not as good as it can be." i respond. we each grab our tray and get our school lunches, mash potatoes, again, and sit down at the closest empty table.

"how is ignoring robin going?"

"i didn't realise it would be that hard. he followed me to the bathroom to ask why i was ignoring him." i say, playing with the blob on my plate.

"he is a fighter, so i kind of expected it. not to mention the fact he is head over heels for you." gwen laughs, taking a bite out of her granny apple.

"what? no he is not!" i retort. "he flirts as a joke, and look. he's talking with angela moore right now." i point out, turning her head to look at the two. the next thing we know, angela stomps away angrily, creating a silence throughout the entire cafeteria.

"who stuck a pin up her ass?" i whisper laugh. gwen laughs along until we notice finn walking towards us.

"what's up, finney boy?" gwen smiles, messing up his blonde locks.

"y/n, i talked to robin earlier and he's fucking pissed at you." finn mutters.

"i don't blame him and i do want to talk to him, i really do."

"so do i," robin says. my dumbass didn't realise him walking over to our table and flipping the chair around and sitting on it backwards. "so why don't you, if i'm so annoying you must ignore me."

"look, i know you're mad-"

"i'm mad because you haven't given me a valid reason, heck even a word about why you won't talk to me. are we not friends?" he says loudly. i can feel tears pooling in my eyes and look down at my food. "you have no problem talking to bruce yamada!"

finney, gwen and i all hear the hurt that laced each of his words but i can't tell him. he'd worry too much. i quickly get up from my seat and just walk away, a tear shedding from my eye.

finney's pov

"where the fuck is she going?" robin asks, sitting back in his seat.

"robin, n/n isn't talking to you for your own safety." i mumble, him staring me directly in the eye.

"i can protect myself, now tell me what she isn't telling me." he demands.

"robin, why do you care so much?' gwen asks, almost turning to a yell.

"because she's my friend, and she was never scared of me but now it feels like she is."

"she is your friend," i say "and as the brother, of your friend, who is also your friend, i suggest you wait until-"

"it's your shitty dad, isn't it?" he asks. "if something is happening to her, i can deal with it." me and gwen exchange glances and nod slowly. i know we promised but we love her too much to let someone who cares about her disappear from her life.

"he found the bandana you gave y/n and went berserk." i explain. "he said he would kill y/n and you then smashed an empty beer bottle on her head."

"what the shit kind of father do you guys have?"

"honestly, we don't know. but after how you yelled at her, it probably reminded her."


y/n's pov

i run to the unisex bathroom, knowing finney or gwen would come get me. i shut the door and run to the farthest corner without a toilet. i slide down the wall, holding my head in my hands.

robin's words echoed through my brain.

"are we not friends?"

"why won't you talk to me?"

then came the water works. warm, salty tears pours down my fair skin and into my hands. i hear the door swing open and i immediately wipe the tears off my face.

"finn?" i call out, sniffling.

"nope, it's me." i hear robin respond. i stand up slowly as he approaches me. "i'm sorry for yelling."

"no, i'm sorry. i shouldn't have tried to avoid you." he pulls me in by the waist for a hug. i wrap my arms around his neck and bury my head into the crook of his neck. "they told you, didn't they?"

"yeah, they told me." robin smiles, pulling away from the hug. "i don't want you three feeling like you need to protect me, i should be the one protecting you guys, mi amor."

"stop calling me that!" i argue, hitting him on the shoulder.

"that isn't going to stop me." he laughs. "i can't believe you were going to ignore me for the entire day!"

"let's be honest, i wouldn't have made it to 3 hours anyway."

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