Lazy Day

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i apoligize for being gone so long💔💔 this chapter will b fluff


It was Saturday morning, and I had just woken up. Y/N was still asleep, I was tired, and I liked watching Y/N sleeping, so I let him stay asleep. I closed my eyes, and eventually fell asleep, too. I fell asleep with my arm around Y/N's chest, holding him close to me.


I woke up, not knowing the time. But by the lighting of the room, I could tell it was 9 am. Kurt's arm was around my chest, holding me. I smiled, holding him as well.

5 hours pass, and I wake up again. I grab my phone on the nightstand to check the time. "Kurt!" I say, trying to sit up, but Kurt's arm was holding me down. He mumbled, "Ten more minutes, Y/N, please." I giggled slightly. I nudged him again, trying to get him to wake up. "Get up, you big grump, it's 2pm," I said, poking his face. "Nooooo, I don't wanna get up, I wanna cuddle and sleep all day," he grumbled, stuffing his face into my neck.

"Please, Kurt," I begged, "for me?" He finally opened his eyes, and his big sleepy eyes looked into mine. He sighed and moved his arm away, before getting up. "Thanks, my love," I said, kissing forehead before going to make coffee for me and Kurt. He made a sleepy noise, before laying back down to sleep.


I woke up again for the third time, to the smell of coffee, and breakfast being made. Y/N hadn't even come into the room to wake me up, but the smell, the aroma, the scent woke me up. Not Y/N, but the smell. I got up from bed, rubbed my eyes and walked towards the kitchen. I almost tripped, but I made it there. "Oh, hey Kurt! Good to see you," he said, smiling at me. It was raining outside, and it created a nice vibe. I sat down at the counter beside Y/N, resting my head on my hands.

like that ^^^

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like that ^^^

Y/N hummed a song from [ur fave singer] the entire time he was cooking, and honestly I found it soothing. I liked listening to him. With his humming, and the rain pattering outside, and the light being all gloomy, and the house smelling like french vanilla coffee, I could honestly fall asleep right now. I loved days like this. They're honestly the best.

He looked at me, noticed how tired I was, and said, "Why don't you go back to bed, love? I'll wake you when breaky's done." (bluey refrence someone pls get it) I nodded slowly, stumbled back to our room, and flopped onto the bed, letting the coolness of the blankets overwhelm me. I adjusted myself to a comfortable position, pulled the blankets over my face, and just went to sleep. I felt like I was taking a nap in the clouds.


"Wakey wakey, Kurt," I said, gently taking the blankets off his face, and poking him. He grumbled, swatted my hand away, and tried to go back to sleep. "Kurt!" I giggled, poking him again. "Don't you slap my hand away again!" He smiled and said, "No thank you, I'd rather die." Oh how I loved him. I tried to wake him up again. "Kurt! Get up, Kurt, breakfast is ready," I said, nudging him this time. "Noo, I don't want to have breaky," he said, still smiling, but opening his eyes for a second but closing them again.

"Oh just you wait Kurt!" I said, smiling now. He pretended to snore, like how kids snore when they're trying to pretend sleep. I jumped onto him, and cuddled him, pretending to be mad. "You get up now Kurt!" I told him, punching his chest playfully. "Ow.. No I won't get up," He said, his eyes still closed. "You're not fooling me Kurt," I said, still punching his chest playfully. "Okay, okay, fine, just stop doing that," Kurt said, rolling over to make me punch his back. He yowled almost exactly like Tom's yowl from Tom and Jerry, jumped out of bed and somehow ran into the wall. Oh my lord how I burst out laughing hysterically. "That was the stupidest thing I've ever seen!" I said, almost managing to stop laughing. Kurt lay on the ground. And he started laughing too, making me laugh once again. I love him so much, I can't explain it.

762 words

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