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Mikey and Donnie ate their breakfast in pure silence after that.

Mikey finished his food first and quickly put his dish away, feeling weary of the awkwardness. "Michealangelo." A familiar voice said, startling Mikey and surprisingly Donnie.

Out from the shadows came Master Splinter.

"May I speak with you privately?" He asked, looking at Donnie, signaling him to leave. Donnie chugged the food down his throat and put his dish away, gave Master Splinter a thumbs up and left.

"What is it?" Asked Mikey, who suddenly gasped. "Did Raph find out about my stash of pizza?"

"No." Mikey sighed with a hint of relief.
"And yes." Master Splinter teased. "Hauh?!" Mikey yelled. Sensei chuckled.

"You are getting stronger, Micheal. It is time to step it up. You will now be sparing with Raphael, or if you prefer, Leonardo-" "No!" Mikey yelled, cutting off his father.

His sensei had a surprised look on his face. "You want to continue to spar with... Donatello?" He asked. The orange pupil nervously nodded, not making a sound. "As you wish, my son." Master Splinter said. Mikey couldn't be anymore happier.


Donnie heard everything. 'Mikey wants to train with with me still? But... Why? Is it because... I'M HIS FAVORITE??!' Donnie smiled as he leaned against the wall, thinking about Mikey. He blushed happily.


"Eei!" Squealed Donnie. What an odd noise... "Oh... Hey, Mikey... I'm about to go work on- on my latest invention the uh... The um... Yeah...?" Donnie tittered.

"Mkay...?" The little turtle said confusingly. 'Donnie's not lying to me, right...? He wouldn't do that to me!' Mikey stated in his head.

The duo walked to their room in absolute silence.

Mikey hated the silence so much. Before Donnie could enter his room, he felt someone hold his left hand. "Wha-?" Donnie asked, turning around to see Michealangelo, looking away bashfully.

'Cute...' Donnie blushed. 'Wait what?! Don't ever think about that again!' Donnie scolded himself in his thoughts.

After a couple minutes of silence, Mikey spoke up: "Do you... Maybe want to eat pizza while playing video games?" Donnie smiled. "Sorry." And with that, he left. Mikey was left there heartbroken.

The orange turtle anxiously sped walked to his room.

When he arrived, he slammed the door shut and jumped on his bed, tears flowing through his face. "What does he mean 'sorry'?! Doesn't Donnie love me?" Then, before he knew it, he was crying out loud like a baby.

Then the door was slammed open.

"Mikey!" Leo and Raph yelled, jumping on the bed with Mikey sobbing on it. "Who hurt you?" Raph asked, demanding an answer. "Mikey? Are you okay?" Questioned Leo.

They all sat on the bed and Mikey remained quiet. Finally, he said: "D-Donnie doesn't *sniff* want to hang-hang out with m-me! WAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Mikey then started throwing a tantrum like a baby.

"Oh, you stay here with Mikey, Leo. I'll have a nice and friendly chat with Donnie."

"No, Raph-" Leo said, but the hot-tempered turtle was already gone. Leo pulled Mikey in for a hug and the crying turtle accepted it. "Shh... It's okay..." Leo said, trying to calm down his baby brother.

Then, Raph came back dragging Donnie by the mask-tail. "Ow! Okay, okay! I'll hang out with Mikey!" Donnie grunted.

"Heh." Raph chuckled, pushing Donnie toward Mikey.

Leo motioned Raph to leave the room, for they needed alone time. Once the leader and his angry turtle left the room, Donnie was standing, looking down at Mikey, who had his knees in his face, sniffling quietly.

Donnie bent down and cupped Mikey's cheek.

"Hey, hey, don't cry..." Donnie soothed. The orange turtle removed his knees from his face. "I just have stuff to do, okay Micheal?" The crying turtle nodded, blushing as he held Donnie's hand he was using to cup his cheek.

Donnie blushed.

"I'm sorry I said no... It just felt... Awkward... We can still do what you suggested tonight though."

Mikey leaned into Donnie's chest and hugged him. Surprisingly, the purple scientist hugged back. The orange turtle then yawned. "Tired?" Teased purple. Mikey nodded.

Donnie picked Mikey up bridal style and laid him down onto his bed and covered him with his blanket.

"I'll be right back, okay, Mikey? I promise." Smiled Donnie. Mikey smiled back and nodded as he drifted to sleep.

'I lied.'

Donnie was going back to the lab to continue working on his project he didn't give a name yet.

He was working on an invisibility cloak for the turtles to use so they can roam freely out in the surface. It wasn't quite done yet...


At night, Donatello fell asleep sitting down on his chair, his face tilted with his cheek on his arm and he was drooling quite a lot.

Then his room door silently opened.


"You promised." Mikey said, breaking down in front of Donnie.

"But... That's okay... I still love you..." Mikey sniffled and made his way toward his lover. "Always working on your 'projects'... When will you have time for me..? I want your attention, Donnie. Give me your attention, Donnie."

Mikey threw Donnie on his bed, causing him to wake up. "Wha... M-Mikey?" Donnie questioned, as Mikey began to crawl his way toward Donnie.

"Mikey what's going on?-" Donnie asked. No response. He was soon pinned down by Mikey, who slammed his lips onto his.

Donnie, not at all, was prepared for this. He tried to wiggle his way out so Mikey used his left hand to hold Donnie's arm together.

The orange turtle forced his tounge through, exploring his mate's mouth. Finally, the purple turtle gave in and moaned softly. The orange turtle let go for a gasp of air, drooling in his mate's mouth.


Then Donnie woke up.

He was in his bed all sweaty and hot from the dream.

The purple turtle immediately got up to check on Mikey. Donnie sighed as he saw his sparing partner peacefully asleep. He plopped down onto Mikey's bed and comfortably drifted to sleep.


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