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Friendship is a beautiful feeling that anyone can ever experience and live, we all have many friends with whom we hangout and spend time.... But we all need that one person.. With whom we are our bestest version.. Where there are no limits and fears.. Only lots of laughter and smiles.. Where even the smallest of thing matters.. When no one understand us.. That one person does and always supports us.. In this story also.. HASEENA AND KARISHMA.. Who are though opposites somewhere.. But still.. Their love and bonding with each other is indefinable...


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A 15 year old, 9th standard student..
Very calm, composed and introvert.. Also very silent in the beginning.. Hardly talks to anyone.. Has no friends.. She has lost faith in making friends.. And prefer being alone.. Has some fears.. And believes no one likes her and want to be friends with her because of her looks and because she is an average student.. She has lost her confidence that she can do anything in her life..


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She studies in the same class with Haseena.. Also 15 year old.. Fun loving and daring person.. Who enjoys each and every moment.. Happy to go lucky girl.. And we all know her bhokal and  anger.. When it comes to her Hasu.. She can be very dangerous sometimes.. She is also an introvert person with no close friends and best friend.. But believes in going with the flow.. She is the person who changed haseena and made her believe in herself...

Other characters include :-

HASEENA'S parents
KARISHMA'S parents
Their siblings...
Some teachers..
And other friends..
Who also play an important role in their lives..

Haseena and karishma.. Though they study in same class.. But are just classmates in the beginning.. They know each other's names being in the same class.. But are not friends.. How interested you all are to read this.. How they became friends..
How they supported each other and.. How the journey started and everything.. Please let me know through the comments..


Will meet with the first part soon.. Thank you ☺

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