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"It is the moons destiny to always shine at night Kindle the darkness and illumine those who have been deprived of the sun.

It is the wolf's destiny to fall in love with the sparkling moon. It is his destiny to howl and show his love. To howl as much as he can and try to reach his feelings out to the moon.

But the very same destiny that binds the moon to shine and wolf to fall in love with it also plays another role. A very vicious and heartless role.

It is their destiny to never be together.

The moon shall keep on shining, as it has been destined.

The wolf shall keep on howling, as he has been destined," Said him but before he could complete she interrupted him by saying, "we are on a date. Why are you ruining it with your philosophical​ speech."

He was taken aback and was at a loss of words for a moment. Before he could think of anything to say she started to speak again,

"By the way, if the wolf knows that it's not in his destiny to be with the moon then why does he keeps on howling? Why does he keeps on falling in love with something that he knows he is not destined to have?"

She looked at him innocently with quizzical eyes waiting for him to answer her questions not realizing the intensity of the situation.

He thought for a moment and then started to speak,

"Hope- a blessing we are all cursed with- he falls in love hoping that someday he might finally break the chains of destiny. He howls with the hopes that someday his howls, along with his feelings, might actually surpass the boundaries of this mortal world and reach the moon. He falls in love with hopes that someday his destiny might finally be changed."

After that neither of the two spoke about this subject for the remainder of their so called 'date'.

After he had left she began to recount their evening​ within her mind. She began to speculate the context of this particular portion of their discussion. She began to question the motives behind him bringing up this topic.

And then all of a sudden she began to whisper to herself,

"Was he referring to me as the moon?" Her lips curved and formed into a smile as she realized that the love of her life had complimented her by comparing her with the moon.

She continued to whisper,

"Did he refer to himself as the wolf?" And her face turned expressionless.

The previously​ cheerful face was now so lifeless that no one could have been able to discern it from a sculpture if not for the tears that began to well up within her divinely crafted eyes.

"Did he mean to say that the two of us are not destined to be together." She wanted to move her hands and wipe off the grief that had poured out of her eyes onto her cheeks but she realized that she was no longer in control. She never was.

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