A bright Summer's Day

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I can still vividly remember the first day I saw you, it was a bright Summer afternoon where everything is colorful and light.

We were 10 back then and you had this very bright smile and your eyes turns big when you saw how high the roller coaster was. I was just a new kid in town with no friends, do not get me wrong i hated you the first time I saw you. You smile  and laugh a lot but there was something in you that pulls me and I ended right behind you in the line.

I was  10 when My dad moved us here in colorado because of his job i was so used in having to leave and constantly move elsewhere until i was numb and pretty much stopped making friends coz what's the use? Right?

You were so excited because We are almost in the front of the line when you accidently bump and step at My foot and you turn around to apologize. i was so gobsmacked at your smile up close and i forgot to respond to your question.

"I Am so sorry! Are you hurt? Uhmm hey are you hurt?" I was so blinded with your smile and i did not understand what you were saying. I tried to force myself to respond and i stutter."ye-yeah yes im okay" " are you alone? Wanna ride with me?"
i was getting confused and my mind went blank i was not sure if you are talking to me then you asked me again if i am alone. It took me a minute to understand what are you asking me of then i was able to say yes i am alone in every sense of the word.

"really? You want to join me? I am with my family  but they do not want to ride that coaster." I do not know how to respond because it was my first time that someone approched me like that not knowing My background. But i said yes, and that was the beggining of our friendship.

It was a summer day when i first saw you. And it was the first day you held my hand when we rode the coaster and you told me to raise our  hands  when the coaster goes off so We can feel like We were flying. And it was the day that i loved the rain because it reminds me of you.

"Sum, hey kid wake up!" You have barely time to make it to class, errr techinacally you are late it is the second day when school started. My dad said.

My dad is pretty much what you expect except that he is a very dangerous man to be honest it is a juxtapose in knowing in what he does and how he acts with me I guess i was his son after all. I know in My heart that some day i will take over his responsibilites probably when he dies. He always tell me that i had to be strong and not rely on anyone not even him.

I tried to push my body and out off bed i was in daze just by thinking about that day. It's been a week already and I didn't even  had a chance to know your name all i know is it rained hard that day. And your mom called you after the ride.

As usually it is My first day of class i was late and had to sit at the back. Mr. Gregor was not pleased that i was late but he had to force himself to introduce me. "Okay kids we have someone here new, his name is??" He was coaxing me to introduce myself for a ten year old i am sure i am big for my age, signs of puberty is hitting me a lot faster than other. So with my almost deep voice i said "Summer Austen" i heard them snickered and i heard them say that I was a returner a repeater or whatever because i look  more a teen than kid. i can hear them all it was like they are saying it in My ears and it is driving me crazy. I had to force myself back to my sit when i noticed that a rootbeer  flavored candy was on My desk. i was confused is this the right table? Then i heard someone said "hey" i looked to my left and My heart skipped a beat you were there smiling brightly at me.

After school i was very tired not from studying but from constantly hearing you blabber I was getting so annoyed. But i am at peace you made me feel like i was wanted or I am the center of someone's attention.

"Sum? SUUUM kid can't you  hear me?" My dad shouted across from the dinner table. "Sorry.dane." i clipped my words he was asking me about school he was expecting that i made trouble again. But to his surprise i said i did not hit anyone infact i was well behaved.

What is more surprising was i was holding the candy that was given to me by..... What's his name again? I was so out of focused that i forgot to ask him.

I made a mental note to myself to find out tomorrow and it given me a drive to go to school the next day.

"Kid wake up!" Dane hollered i was already clothe and ready to go he was surprised that i was willing to go to school of any other places. I put my shoes on and went out of the door without saying anything. It was almost 25 minutes of walking from our condo to the school. And as expected i saw you at the gate i did not realize that you were so popular with everyone every one was smiling at you, ever girl blushes when you walk by them and you gave them your warm smile. I was taken a back i though that i was someone special but i guess not.

I cannot understand myself that day but i had to forced myself to finish school that day. Then i remembered that i needed to know your name but i was held back or was it i am shy? No that can't be. Then why can't i utter that question it is just a matter of saying "what is your name" then I heard Mr Gregor said " Rain please stay after class i need to ask you something" then i was surprised when you answered "sure sir"  i was delighted to know your name i was day dreaming infact that things really goes My way. I did not noticed that you were tapping my shoulder and you had to practically shove me to get my attention, i was apalled that you are so confident to invade my personal space. With a cheeky grin you handed me again a rootbeer flavored candy.

And that was the day that I loved the rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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