How you meet (boys)

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I stood outside my daughter's school waiting for the school day to end
The bell rang and kids came flooding out I waited a moment or two until I saw my daughter walking out with a boy I hadn't seen before
he must be new I thought
she waved goodbye before running over to me She hugged my stomach as i wrap my arms around her shoulders
"Hey sweetie how was day?"I asked as she pulled away she smiled up at me
"It was great! There's a new boy in my class and his name is Carl he only moved here last week with his dad! I asked him if wanted to be friends and he said yes!"She exclaimed excitedly
"That's amazing sweetheart,I'm glad your making new friends"i said taking ahold of her and walking towards our car before we got there the same boy my daughter left with came over to us with a man that I admit looked very attractive and handsome that must be Carl and his father
"Oh hi Carl!"My daughter exclaimed
"Hi! Look what my dad just gave me!"Carl exclaimed and started to talk to her as me and his father stood to the side awkwardly
I smiled and turned to him he turned at the same time
"Hi I'm-"we both started i let out a laugh and he chuckles slightly
"sorry you go first"he said with a smiled
"I'm Y/n Y/l/n"i said holding out my hand
"Rick grimes"he told me shaking my hand


Im walking through the woods following the deer I've been tracking for a day or two now I haven't had a decent meal in a very long time and I'm not known for being nice after having no food for a long period of time
I stop as I hear the sound of crunching leaves slightly ahead of me I slowly step over the log and hold up my bow and arrow stood about 20 feet away was the deer I had been following I smirk slightly and held up my bow I aim it towards the innocent animal's head ready to shot only for a arrow to go through it's skull i frown and walk towards the now dead deer still holding up my weapon up
"Get away from ma deer!" A male voice came from my left I turn my body aiming my weapon at him there stood a might I say an attractive man with a crossbow he had longish hair and looked as if he hadn't had a wash for a while I probably looked the same with my matted hair and dirty face
"It ain't your deer I've been tracking this for days,it's mine"i said with my eyes squinted
"You kill it?"he asked
"Well obviously not, I was gonna until you showed up"i growled with slight annoyance
"Then it ain't yours so beat it"he told me taking a step closer to me
"You know what fuck you,you ain't worth my time,so enjoy the deer you bastard"i exclaimed before starting to walk away
"Wait!"he called I stopped and turned to him
"You wanna join ma group gotta prison not to far from 'ere I'll take ya and I'll share the deer"he offered I sighed I do need a place to stay since winter was coming and I definitely needed that deer or I'll stave
"Fine, names Y/n"i said as i helped him puck up the top half of the deer
"Daryl"he grunted


Today wasn't a day that I wanted to cook since I just had a long shift at work all I want to do now is watch movies and not have a care in the world, I pick up my phone and call the pizza place and order my favourite pizza, as I wait I decide to find something to watch while I'm looking through Netflix the door bell rings I jump up from off the couch and race to the door i open it
I was faced with a cute pizza guy he looks up from off the ground and stares at me with his mouth slightly agape and his cheeks a tinted red I giggle shyly
"Um hi you must be Y/n Y/l/n right? I'm Glenn and I don't know why I'm telling you that I'm just giving you a pizza"he said before he chuckled nervously i laugh a little
"Nice to meet you Glenn, thanks for the pizza"i said with a smile he smiles back and hands me my pizza before starting to walk off i stare at him for a moment damn he's super cute I need to give him my number
"Hey Glenn wait!"I shout he stops and looks at me i put my pizza on the counter behind me and pick up my note book and pen I use for work and run over to him
"Here's my number and maybe we could go sometime i was thinking maybe go for pizza"i joked writing my number onto the paper he laughs and I hand him the paper
"Call me when you wanna meet up for that pizza"i told him before planting a kiss on his cheek and walk towards my house
"I will! I definitely will!"he exclaimed back to me i laugh and close my door behind me


I pick up the small amount of dirty laundry from off my floor and put it into the basket I had gotten from downstairs a few moments ago i make my way to Maggie's and Beth's rooms taking their dirty clothes
They took me in near the start of the apocalypse I had left the road and stumbled upon their farm
I walk through the house quickly greeting carol and Lori
Lori son's was shot by Otis a week and a half ago and Rick her husband came to the farm holding Carl asking to save him the next day the rest of the group had came and started to live outside the house and are staying until they find Carol's missing girl Sophia since Carl is better and is now walking about
I walk out the front the door and crash into someone the basket hitting them in the chest I apologise and look up to be faced with Carl
when I first saw him I thought he was really cute and he gave me butterflies every time I saw him but I hadn't properly introduced myself yet
"Oh s-sorry, I was looking for my mom and I wasn't paying attention and I tripped and then I bumped into you and now I'm ranting aren't I?, damn it"he ranted I giggle as my checks glow a reddish colour
"Your cute when you rant"i said my eyes widen as i realised I said that out loud
"I didn't mean that! I mean it did, i uh well this is awkward now"i said deeply embarrassed with myself I mean I haven't even told him my name yet And I'm telling him he's cute
"thanks...Um I mean your cute when you blush um I'm Carl it was nice meeting and I'm going to go before i embarrass myself more and I'm ranting again"He said I laugh slightly as I watch his cheeks turn red like mine
"I'm Y/n, nice meeting you too"i told him and walked past him and towards the small well to clean the clothes

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