chapter 1.

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It was september, shcool was starting again, homework and after school activites were soon to come.
People were quick to find there friends and join there classes.
But then there was Finn.
Finn was friends with the most out of pocket people you will ever meet.
His friend group was small and only had four people, besides him of course.
There was Carson, Carson was the caotic friend but always looked out for others, normaly always whearing his leather breaclet and his signature red and black cris cros over coat.
Then there was Jess, he was best friends with Carson he practily followed him everywhere, They both have matching sword neckleces and over coat.
Jayson ,also known as Jay, was the hyper active one of the group always wearing a red hoodie and his black beenie normaly wearing his sliver square spiked breaclet and his two checkered rings on both his middle fingers.
(Finn's p.o.v)
Shcools started, isn't that just wonderful.
Another painful year of highshcool is all i see, but i mean its not all bad considering the fact that im meeting up with my friends soon at the entrance of the shcool.
Speaking of friends i see them not to far in the distance.

"Hey guys whats up?"

"Fiiinnn hiiiii!"
Jay said.

"Hey Finn"
Carson said giving me a hug.

The rest of the group greeted me with warm smiles and hugs, normaly im not one to like physical touch but i let it slide when im with my friends.
The bell rigns, we all say our farewells and head to our classes.

Its almost the end of class and i couldn't wait to leave to the second period and eventually go eat lunch.
A few minutes before the bell rang i overheard a couple of my classmates talking about how we were going to have a transfer student from japan coming to our class.
Thats intressting i may as well tell my friends about it see if they know anything else about this mistery person.

Its second period, math class, i hate math but at least it's lunch after.
I cant stop thinking about who this mistery person could be.

"A-ah! Uh, yes sir-?"

"Stop distracting your self and awnser question 34."

"Yes, sorry sir."

After that whole ordeal the bell rang and i was off to lunch.
I walked down the stairs and bumbed into...
My ex... great.
Thats just great.
He was whearing his black coat and black ripped jeans with his white T.

"Oh! Hey there Finn whats up?"
I can smell the scent of cigarettes from his breath.

"Heyyy there Cole, i was just heading downstairs to the lockers."
I say trying not to gag at the smell.

"Thats nice, i was wondering if you wanted to hang out, you know like 'old times'"

"Sorry Cole, i already have plans to eat with my friends and there all waiting for me."

"Seriously, your still hanging out with thoes assholes?"

"They arent assholes Cole, they are my friends, now will you excuse me i need to join them."

As i was walking down the rest of the stairs Cole said to my back.

"Fuckin killjoy."

I ignored him and left to the lockers.
Me and Jayson have our lockers next to eachother so i ended up seeing him when i got to mine.

"Yooo, whats up Finn!"

"Hey Jay."

I was putting my things away when he turned towards me.

"You good bro?"

"Yea why-?"

"You seem a little off did something happen?"

"I ran into my ex thats all, im fine."

"Omg wait, witch one?"


"Oh hell no, not that asshole."


I grabed my wallet from my bag and turned to Jayson.

"Either way it doesnt matter, lets go find the others i have something to tell you guys."

I lock my locker and walk with Jayson to the our firends lockers and join them for lunch.
We went to a restaurant in the mall close to our shcool and ate some takeout food at one of the tables.
Currently it was me, Jayson, Carson and Jess.

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you guys something."

"What is it?"
Carson asked.

"Well i over heard a few of my classmates talking about this transfer student from japan thats coming to my class."

"So thats all you wanted to tell them-?"
Jayson said to me.

"No no, let me finish, i was wondering if any of you guys knew his name or what he looks like?"

"Yea i know who he is, a little."
Jess told me.

"Oh really? Whats he like?"

"All i know is that his name is kusuo saiki and that he has pink hair."

"Dam- wait how did you find that out??"

"Look dont question it."
Jess said smilling nervously.

"Look Jess is Jess and we dont question it, nobody does."
Carson said shrugging his shoulders.

We finised up lunch and decided it was time to go back to school and finish our day.

I got back home and threw every bag i had on me off.
My parents were off to another country for the month for some stupid company shit so i didnt see them when i got home.
I make some microwaveable spaghettie and watched my show and ended off going to bed.

Im very sorry for having a short first chapter, i was writing this while at my sisters race.

I hope you liked it and it wasnt too bad!
Hey future update-!
So like i really wanna continue writting this so i decided to change the side character side name bc i hated them, sorry for the story update spam-

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