chapter 2.

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I went to school again today, starting in my choosed class, music.
Apparently that saiki dude is going to be coming to our class next monday.
Can't really say im excited to meet him more like interessted.
Ive never really liked new peopole anyways.
While i was practicing the song 'riptide' on my gitar i didn't notice the dude in front of me until he tapped my sholder.

"Hey, uhh, the teacher sent me to get you and go get more music sheets for the piano kids."

"Oh um, sure give me one second."
I say as i put down my gitar on the stand next to my chair.
I dont know this guy at all, he must be new to the music class.
I look up to get a closer look at him, he was tall, wore a black trench coat with a ghost t-shirt and black swet pants.
His hair was long, black and kept up in a half bun on his head.
He looked quite nice, pretty face.

"Hey i, um, didnt catch your name."

"My name is Zace, you?"

"My name is Finn nice to meet you"
I smiled.

"So where excatly do we need to go for the papers?"

"Oh just follow me."
I say as we walk out the classroom and into the hallway.
We walk for a bit until we reach a storage room labled 'muisic' obviously spelt wrong by the person who put up the lable.

"So this is the storage room for the music class?"
Zace said pointing to the dusty lable on the door.

"Yep sure is."
I turned to Zace.

"Do you mind if i ask you a question Zace?"

"Yea go ahead."

"I havent seen you around here before, are you new here?"

"No actually, ive been here since the start peopole just tend to not notice me."
He laughed akwardly.

"Oh thats why."

"Do you have any friends to hang out with at least?"
I ask as i opened the door and search for the papers the teacher wanted us to bring.

"Yes, no? Not really."

"What do you mean?"

"Well i mean i have friends they just ignore me whenever im around."
I turned to him and looked up to see him looking to the side with a drained and anoyed face.

"Oh man that must suck ass."

"It sure does, im use to it though."

"I mean i can talk to my friends and see if we can orgnize a luch with you if you want."

"Sure that sounds nice."

"It would be a nice change."
I smile as i show him the papers and gesture for him to follow me.
We walk back down the hallway and get back to the muisic room.
I go hand the teacher the papers.
I ended up chilling with Zace for the rest of the class.
The bell rang, i exchanged numbers with Zace and left to my locker.

"Yooo whats up my Besti babe."
Jayson said make a shooting gesture with his fingers.

"Hi Jay, how was class?"

"Fuckin boooorrriiinnnnn, you?"

"I made this new friend Zace."

"Thats cool, whats he like?"

"Hes laid back, nice and a little funny hes really pretty too."

"Ooo he sounds niicce"
Jayson says as i unlock my locker to grab my things for next period.

"He is, and i was gonna ask our other friends if he could eat with us sometime since his 'friends' are kinda shit."

"Thats fine with me but you do know the others have to agree on him before we make any mistakes like all thoes other times."

"Yea, yea i know."

"Alrighty then, im off to class, see ya at luch!"
Jayson waved goodbye to me as he left the locker area to go to whatever class hes in.

I walk to my science class and put my stuff down on my desk.
I prepare myself for the next long boring hour to come.
I hear a few pepole wispering here and there im not too sure what thats about, either way the pepole here are assholes and not to be trusted.
The bell rings again as i grab my stuff and head out to the lockers.
And as per usual Jayson is there.

"Hey Jay whats up?"

"Nothing much other than the fact that i got a shit tone of homework from my english teacher."
Jason puts his books in his locker and sighs.

"Dam that much?"

"Yea i really want to die, its only the second day of school and i already have a shit tone of stuff to do"
Jayson pouts as i put my hand on his sholder.

"You know what ill help you with your work but for now lets go meet up with the others for lunch and tell them about Zace."

"Ok thanks."
We walk to our friends locker area amd head out to the mall again.

This time we were going to see one of our good friends Jiin since she was working today.

As We walk to the gamestop were our friend works, i went up to Carson.

"Yo Carson, i met this guy in my music class you might like."

"Cool who is he?"

"His name is Zace and hes really cool, i was thinking maybe he could come and eat with us at some point."
Carson paused, as he looked at me.

"Sure, but if any of us are slightly uncomfortable with him, hes gone ok?"

"Sounds fair."
I say as we walk into the game stop.

"Hiiiii Jiiiiiin!!"
We all said hi and walked up to her.

"Hey guys."
Jiin said as i had this really bad feeling that i couldnt seem to shake off me, almost like someone was watching me...

Hiii hello arent you guys lucky two chapters in one day dam.

As much as i am obssesed with this story i probably womt be updating this book twice aver week because of school, but ill try.

The actual good shit will happen next chapter and it will be a lot longer than this!

I hope this chapter wasnt too bad!^^

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