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Author's note: Fooled, weren't you? No way I would leave this all unresolved. Here, we tie things together a bit more. 

The next week, Marinette joined their class. There was much whispering and excitement hardly contained amongst the students of Mme. Bustier's class as they waited for class to start- and for a certain someone to arrive.

Alya had stood up to Chloe herself after their teacher had defended Marinette, daring her to defy when she took their old seat and left her and Sabrina to sit where Chloe had placed the gum the week before. Chloe was disgruntled all in all. But she didn't seem to have too much of a problem switching when the gum was removed-- she sat across from Adrien, and if that was a bit further, no matter. They weren't really friends at the moment.

Alya left the seat beside her empty, excitedly waiting. Nino and Adrien spoke quietly, discussing how the past week had gone before Adrien turned to her. "She stayed with you for the rest of the week, right?"

"Until the fund everyone put together was ready," she replied with a nod. After losing the place she'd stayed and taking refuge in Alya's apartment, she'd remained there as Adrien put together a fund with the whole class so Marinette would have the money to rent out her own apartment for a little while until she had a steady job. It came together quickly; everyone was happy to contribute, except maybe Chloe. However, Sabrina went against her wishes and put in her own contribution to the fund.

Adrien had been the one to present the money, and Marinette had been almost overwhelmed, shocked, and immensely grateful. And everyone in the class had also helped her find and settle into a convertible studio apartment— helping with furniture and providing food as she readjusted to her new life.

Her life would still be difficult since she was supporting herself and couldn't ask for everything from her friends. Adrien had taken her aside to discuss this, but she'd been quite confident when she explained to him, "This is already more than I ever could have dreamed of weeks ago, and... everyone has been so supportive. I have enough food to last me a whole week before I have to start working again, and people who are helping me find a better job... and it'll really help me get started again."

"And now I can go to school with all my friends... I can work better hours, and I have a safe place to sleep at night. Before this? It... was scary to return to that cellar at night alone, with no security from anything or anyone. And it was always cold, I was always hungry.... Things have changed. Working to support myself isn't going to be as hard when I have all this." She smiled. "And... though I'm still getting accustomed to it, I suppose I should let you guys know if I do ever need anything. Not everything, of course, but when I need help."

"If you're sure..." he started hesitantly, but she'd simply nodded, hugged him, and thanked him again for everything.

Something in the reserved, lonely girl had changed. She was more open, she spoke more to people... she wasn't afraid to make herself heard. And even though she lived alone, she was doing so well with it that it didn't seem to matter. And Adrien admired her even more now.

The last few students trickled in before the bell, but Marinette still hadn't shown up as Mme. Bustier entered the classroom. There was a silent, nervous tension growing between the classmates when the door was quickly pushed open, and a young woman hurried inside.

A cheer immediately went up at the sight of Marinette, who flushed at the commotion. No longer in her worn work clothing, she wore a cream-colored sweater and a black midi skirt, her blue-black hair pulled back into a single ponytail with a ribbon. Adrien felt his heart rate speed up instantly, and his own face got very hot-- even though he had been looking at Marinette, Nino turned his gaze away and caught sight of his very red-faced friend, and grinned.

"I see you've got a thing for Marinette," he whispered, and Adrien went even redder.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"It's fine, dude. I'm sure we can set something up for you," Nino replied, winking.

Marinette quickly apologized to Mme. Bustier, setting a small container on her desk. "I'm so sorry I'm late, madame-- I'm still working out the neighborhood I'm in."

"That's fine," the teacher replied with a nod and smile, peering into the container to find a small batch of muffins Marinette had obviously found time to make. "We're glad you're settling in well."

"Merci." The girl quickly stepped up the aisle, avoiding Chloe's gaze and settling beside Alya, right behind Adrien. A still very red-faced Adrien. Slowly, he turned back to her, hoping he didn't look too flushed, and offered a smile.

"Bienvenue," he whispered as Mme. Bustier started preparing to call role.

"Merci beaucoup, Adrien." Marinette was still beaming, her bluebell eyes shining, evidently very excited as she slid her newly purchased bag to the floor. Alya had taken her on a shopping spree the moment she'd seen the little clothing she'd owned, and "accidentally" had been the only one able to pay for everything they'd picked out.

As class started, Adrien settled back and decided it wouldn't do him much good thinking about Marinette all the time. She had her own life to figure out, and he would be a friend to her until she was ready for his feelings. And maybe, in the meantime, he would try to get to know her better while finding the courage to possibly ask her out... and then who knew?

"Adrien Agreste?" Mme. Bustier's raised tone cut through his daydream, and the blond jolted to attention, his hand shooting up.

"Pr-present!" he stammered, and several of his classmates chuckled as Mme. Bustier gave him a look of exasperation before moving on. Nino was holding back laughter, but Adrien knew he'd been called multiple times by the look on his face. What's happening to me? he thought, rubbing his head. I need to focus.

But with his new crush behind him in class? Nearly impossible.

The school day went by smoothly, and joyfully for Marinette, who was thrilled at being back in school again. Though many students complained about school-- even she had complained before losing her home-- she couldn't even imagine doing it now. She was incredibly fortunate to be going, and difficult or not, it was worth it to be able to be in classes again and with her friends at that.

However, when school let out, and Alya invited her, Nino, and Adrien to the cinema, she had to decline. "I still have some things to work out at the apartment," she explained before hurrying off.

And she wasn't the only one. Adrien had declined as well. Though he now knew how to stand up to his father for more freedom, he also claimed to have a prior engagement he couldn't get out of and hurried to his car, leaving Alya and Nino to hang out alone. Not the worst thing for them.

When Adrien did return home, the first thing he did once locking his door and leaving his phone to play music by his piano was transform. Plagg protested greatly; he hated when Adrien transformed for no reason. But this wasn't no reason.

Cat Noir immediately headed for the Montparnasse Tower as the sun started to set on the city skyline. The rooftop was empty when he arrived, but it wasn't long before he heard the familiar retracting of string and the soft thud behind him. Ladybug approached, a shy smile crossing her face as she saw him, her cheeks slightly flushed.

"Are you ready, partner?" he questioned, raising his fist toward her. She nodded, bumping it with her own, her eyes lingering on his own emerald green ones.

"Allons-y, chaton."

With these words, both heroes pulled out their respective weapons and leapt off the tower, crossing the city together at an astonishing speed. Neither knew the other's secret-- but they were friends and growing closer at every moment. Just as Adrien was determined to be a good friend to Marinette, and maybe one day more than that, Ladybug had encouraged herself to go after her partner, Cat Noir, in hopes he might return her feelings. And there was no doubt that their bond would remain, no matter how long they were the secret heroes of Paris. 

Aaaaaand that's a wrap! I'm tired. Too tired, but I'll update tomorrow to sum everything up. Thanks for reading!

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