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(Setting the scene: It is right after Zoroark had come and saved Alec and the rest of his group from the rampaging Garchomp. Alec had blacked out but not before getting a small look at who had saved them)

After an unknown amount of time Alec and the rest of his group had woken up. They see the space time rift had ended and they were out of danger. Alec a little dazed looks around and sees everyone is thankfully alright with little injury. Feeling relief at everyone's safety he looks over and sees the two snover he was helping looking at something. He looked over to what they saw and sees off in the woods something familiar, thick white wispy hair flowing as it disappears behind a tree.

Getting up he swiftly follows after it, getting a rush of memories back to his youth and to a day he met a friend he hadn't seen in years. After running for a while, he soon comes across a clearing with a single broken tree stump, and resting there was a mask, the one he had lost so long ago. Going over to the stump he picks it up, looking at it. Before long his attention is drawn elsewhere, looking to the edge of the clearing he sees them standing there. A friend. The two don't need to exchange words, just seeing each other again was enough. Alec gives a small smile at seeing an old friend again after so long. Zoroark despite not giving much of a response just gave off the feeling it was happy to see him too, but before long it turned and began walking away. Alec saying a soft, "Goodbye friend" as Zoroark disappeared back into the woods.                   (Rest plays out as normal)

(I know this isn't terribly long, and I don't even know how good of a scene this is, but I wanted to get this out. I'd like to hear your opinions on episode three and how it ended, and I hope you enjoyed this little alternate event.)

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