Lightbrush || Carnival 🎸

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(Welcome back 😋! Im surprised this has many views and shiz, anyways I forgot who requested but enjoy!!)

(No smuts rn sorry lmao, I'm still learning how to write them 😨.)

(This has a bit of Paintbrush x Test Tube :3!)

(They r objects <3!)


Paintbrush's POV:

"Cmon Painty, let's go to the fair with Fanny boy n TT!!" Lightbulb said, excitedly. "And why should we? I mean, the fair seems fun and all but let's face it, it's a money waster." I said crossing my arms.

"Besides, remember what happened last time we all went to a fair? You fucking almost got us kicked out because you wanted to go a second time on a stupid ride, and literally almost ate the stuffed animal I won for you!" I stare at Lightbulb, waiting for a response.

"Well, if you're not coming with me, I'll go alone-" She slowly started to walk to the door, dramatically. I groaned silently, getting up from the bed and walking over to Lightbulb.

"Fine I'll go with you, JUST to make sure you don't do any stupid shit with Test Tube and Fan!" Rolling my eyes playfully. Lightbulb smiled widely and opened the front door, walking out.


After a bit of walking, we saw Test Tube and Fan outside of the entrance of the carnival. "Hey guys, you finally made it!" Fan ran over to LB and hugged her.

"Lightbulb, you told me Paintbrush wasn't gonna be here?" Test Tube turned to me then LB. "Oh I asked them if they wanted to come and they said yeah!!" LB grinned at me.

"Technically I didn't say yes, I just came because I know you 3 dickheads are gonna do something." I said, glaring at all 3 of them. "So ya that's why I'm here."

"Enough of the talking, let's go have fun now!!" Fan exclaimed, LB jumped high and they both ran inside. Me and Test Tube looked at each and made our way to the entrance.


All 4 of us made our way to the exit, a sign reading: "Come Back Soon :)!!" Smiling to myself, and holding Lightbulbs hand, we started to walk to our homes.

"See Paintbrush, the carnival was fun!!" I looked over to Lightbulb and chuckled. "Hm yeah you were right." Lightbulb smiled at me and looked at Fan, talking about something I didn't quite understand.

I looked around, enjoying nature. Taking a deep breathe, I felt relaxed. "You seem happy Paintbrush, was the carnival worth it?" I looked at Test Tube and nodded. "Glad you came along." We both looked awash from each other.


(Word Wrote: 502)

(HEYY SORRY I DIDNT WRITE ANYTHING FOR THE PAST 2-3 MONTHS OR IDK HOW LONG, I was busy and stressed with school work and I couldn't long back into my acc until a month ago :)! I hoped u enjoyed this, I might start writing more n more but mostly not smuts bc I suck at them 😿 Anywasy hope u have a good day/night/afternoon!!)

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