The Truth is Out There... and It Hurts

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[Car park. Dr Mitchell is walking to his car. Gavin (the warlock) is there.]

Gavin: Excuse me, are you Dr Mitchell? Dr Oliver Mitchell?

Dr Mitchell: Yes.

Gavin: What a pleasure. I can't tell you how long I've waited for this.

Dr Mitchell: Excuse me but have we...

Gavin: Met? I'm sorry, only in print. I've read your work. Your studies, specifically on cell degeneration are ahead of their time.

Dr Mitchell: You're very kind.

Gavin: No really. It's fascinating. You've become kind of a hobby of mine. I found your article on the mutant retina gene to be particularly intriguing.

Dr Mitchell: But I haven't even...

Gavin: Published it yet? Don't worry, you will. And you'll help to find the vaccine.

Dr Mitchell: The vaccine? Against what?

Gavin: Against this.

(A laser beam comes out of Gavin's forehead and burns a hole in Dr Mitchell's forehead.)


[Movie theatre. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Paris are waiting in line. Phoebe's holding a magic 8 ball.]

Phoebe: (Reading the 8 ball) "Ask again later." Hello, vague. How am I suppose to plan my future without a little direction?

Paris: You, who can see the future is now looking for a magic 8 ball.

Phoebe: My visions don't help me remember.

Piper: I've got an idea. Why don't we ask if Prue and Andy will get back together.

Prue: Oh, Phoebe, please don't.

(Phoebe shakes up the 8 ball.)

Phoebe: Ooh... interesting.

Piper/Paris: Very.

(Piper's pager beeps. Prue tries to look at what the ball says but Phoebe shakes it up before she can see it. Paris smiles at Prue and Phoebe.)

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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