A Reality Check

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I hate, hate and more than Hate that it turns out that Jose Rodriquez Sr was replaced by someone else and that someone has ruined the real persons reputation and got him disbarred. I don't even want to question the guy, because after hearing from Dr Parker these are no doubts who is behind all of this, I just can't prove it. I can't think straight about it all. I think of when Leila was under her control and I want both the Lincoln's dead. Leila is still in the mental hospital because of what happened to her at the hands of the Lincoln's. We couldn't prove anything at all because Leila became catatonic and is still in that state now. The smiles on the Lincoln's faces when they were found not guilty based on lack of evidence and witnesses. There are no doubts in my mind that the Lincoln's are behind Rodriquez Srs death, plus a few others in the last years.
The cops released the bodies to be buried or cremated. So I call Jose jr and let him know about it. I don't tell him that I have an idea who killed his father and the other bodies that were found in Seattle with the same injuries. Elena and Richard Lincoln had a hand in this.
Jose jr
There are no doubts in my mind that Stella has an idea who is behind this and can't say it out loud.
I got a call from sr and I was pretty bugged about it. He was telling me jr came to visit and the warden was brought and there is an investigation going. He was trying to get me to talk further but I wouldn't let him. I am glad I used one of the subs that no one knew about to help try to set up Kavanagh. I know they can't easily track the Buber phone to me. But I also know he will soon be getting a plea offer. Luckily no one has ever seen me in that disguise or in flats so no one recognized me helping move Eamon. The one thing we didn't count on was the hiring of Carrick Grey to sue Jose Rodriquez Sr and Eamon Kavanagh. I am going to get rid of the evidence, what little there is of it. I destroy the burner phone and pull out another one. Nothing can be traced to me now. The real Jose Rodriquez sr was very determined and he held n far longer than I thought he might. I trained my newest pets and subs using him. A few of them are my alibi for the night the Steele's were killed. They just don't know I was elsewhere when they were training in my dungeon. Now I think that I need to end the replacement Jose Rodriquez sr. He got greedy and put his name as the beneficiary of the last four wills he created. He was never any of the deceased's attorney, that is what got us caught. He was supposed to put my name in their will for most of the assets. The children would get ten % of all the cash. All four have sued and Carrick Grey is the attorney. The four biggest estates couldn't be probated and the real wills were presented. The Steele girl asked that a more thorough investigation of the car crash be started and it did. Eamon Kavanagh owes her a debt of gratitude. I can't find out what they found but it was good enough to clear Kavanagh. The real Jose Rodriquez sr showed up at the false ones office and he had discovered that someone was using his credentials and everything else to rob clients blind. Plus court appearances as well. The false one actually took on criminal cases. It was like he really thought he was a real attorney. I don't know if he got lucky or what happened, but he won several cases. No one bothered to check if he was who he said he was.
I had to bring Anastasia in to talk to her yet again. It appears that she will be getting whatever money she paid the so called Jose Sr back. The others will be getting some of their inheritance back. She understood and thanked me for helping her and the others on the case. She is the real reason they are getting anything back at all. Right now the complete Steele belongs to her. There have been some people claiming it belongs to them. I thwarted all of those people's claims. Her will was filed after the one Jose Sr filed. So she was named the one and only Heir to the estate of Ray and Carla Steele. She brought little Christmas cookies in the shape of various Christmas decorations. A few pies with Christmas scenes on them. She made an interesting pie that tasted like Girl Scout thin mint cookies.There were loud discussions as to who got the last piece of that pie. Grace asked her for the recipe and she chuckled and told her it was the only thing her mother every learned to bake and it was done accidentally. She wrote the recipe out without delay. She explained it in full. We are still working on the law suit against the auto insurance companies. The life insurance has been paid, their funerals was a very quiet ones. Both buried together side by side in a mausoleum. Mom's idea, I don't like it at all. But they wanted it as their final resting place.
Jose Sr.
I was dragged back to trial, I was found guilty of killing the Steele's and I am going to be tried for other murders. Including the real Jose Sr. The only way they could have me on any of this is Elena has thrown me under the bus. I tell them if they can sweeten my deal I can tell them quite a lot on mrs Elena Lincoln. They are willing to listen to what I have to say. I watch as they walk her into the interview room. I am going to get time off my sentences for what can be proved in the trials.
I am dragged in after they served search warrants for all my properties including my cars and my boats, and the cabin in the woods. My salons were all gone over, my safe deposit boxes were opened as well. My burner phones along with all my electronic devices. Usb and hard drives were taken. They found my dungeon and the videos, cds and dvds. Then they just happened to find my newest pet in his cage. He had arrived an hour before the police and I had just got started on him when the housekeeper led the cops to the basement. They found my hidden doors opened and caught me hiding my pet. They took him to the hospital and informed his parents after finding his ID showing he was 13 years old.

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