Mine Forever ❤️

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Dedicated to Proud_Pearbhian

Two demonic creatures were drinking blood while some were tearing the flesh out of someone's body blood was flowing all over the floor suddenly 5 demons stared fighting with each other over the bigger meat piece they started biting each other one of them started sucking the blood out of the other person's hand the fight turned worst when 3 more creatures joined them they were fighting among themselves when a woman sucked a blood out of one creature's neck he turned blue and falls down all the others were frightened seeing the woman in front of them she had big and dangerous nails which she used to peirce in anyone's neck , with the help of her sharp teeth she used to tear the flesh her legs & hairs were fully burned because she was cursed by someone 108 years back , and the most dangerous thing which she had her wings.
She was a dangerous looking woman who can take anyone's life by just hypnotizing the person.
She sits on the stone and drag that person with her. All the other demons disappeared being scared that woman relished his flesh and screams loudly looking up in the sky.

Other side a boy was studying in his room he heard a screaming sound he got up and opens the window the moon was shining bright he closes the window and sits on his chair

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Other side a boy was studying in his room he heard a screaming sound he got up and opens the window the moon was shining bright he closes the window and sits on his chair. After some time he removes his specs and lays on the bed he wakes up in the middle of the night & sees white feathers all over his room he sees a feather resting on his palm he picks it and it flew away he was shocked and wondering what happened when suddenly he started shouting loudly he looks at his hands and legs he realises that he was changing , changing into something he could nor bear the pain which was turning him into a Angel.

 After some time he removes his specs and lays on the bed he wakes up in the middle of the night & sees white feathers all over his room he sees a feather resting on his palm he picks it and it flew away he was shocked and wondering what happened ...

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2 min later he opens his eyes , and sees himself at an unknown place he was shocked seeing the place in front of him only one word came out of his mouth which was Heaven , he closes his eyes and 4 min of flashback scene started playing in front of his eyes after that he realised why is he here he didn't seemed shocked anymore now he spread his wings in the sky and flew towards it spreading his arms wide.

Other side the woman was sleeping on the stone the same woman who was introduced a few minutes back she heard some footsteps coming close to her she kept closing her eyes , a demon claps his hand the woman opens her eyes that demon tells her something holding her legs she opens her mouth being angry she hits that demon with her leg she flew towards other way.

She shouts looking towards another demonic creature who was scratching someone's body the woman took a hold of that demon's neck and took him up in the sky she teared his throat with her nails but the demon cuts her wing she loosed her balance and fell down that demon smiled looking at her she tried hard to fly but was not able too she slowly disappeared in the sky.

When she opened her eyes she was in a place where she had never been she started looking here and there few angels in white wings were flying beside her. The woman had one more special power no one could see her except her soulmate and the demonic creatures when her soulmate will be close to her she would feel a diffrent type of energy around her which she never felt among those demons.She stood up holding a piece of her feather it turns white and flew away with the air.

She hears some footsteps behind her she immediately changed herself like the other angels her dangerous and scary look was disappeared now she turned herself into an beautiful white angel she flew away from there she wonders what this place is she had never seen any place like this she flew towards the sea shore she was still flying up in the air a boy comes walking there with a bowl made with clouds he fills the bowl with water a bright light falls on his eyes he tries looking up and sees a angel flying in the sky he spreads his wings and flew to her he stops infront of her slowly the light disappears and he could now see a beautiful angel in front of him who was closing her eyes.

She hears some footsteps behind her she immediately changed herself like the other angels her dangerous and scary look was disappeared now she turned herself into an beautiful white angel she flew away from there she wonders what this place is she...

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He touched her cheek and she opened her eyes she realised that this angel can see her she too touched his cheek both were loosing themselves in each other the boy flew towards the shore the woman flew behind him he stands on the shore and forwards his hand to the angel standing in front of him , his angel.

She stands on the shore the boy kept looking at her for the long time while she was wondering who he is , is he her soulmate but how she is a demon so her soulmate should be a demon , she wasn't able to understand anything she sees that his lips were moving but she couldn't hear what he was saying so she comes closer to him and tries hearing but his voice was very soft.

She finally hears some soft and gentle words.

"Who are you"


"My diana"

She immediately closed her eyes and saw a image in front of her eyes.

She immediately closed her eyes and saw a image in front of her eyes

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"Who are you"


"My Richard"

The boy closed his eyes and sees the same image in front of his eyes.

They both open their eyes and holds each other hands.

"Diana & Richard"

Started playing in their minds like a music.

1.4k words

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