It all started with...

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Maybe this is the question we all make to ourself's when our life's are getting worse, but then more question's come to us, making it harder to remember what was the first question about...but for me is not as if I could forget something, no, all the opposite, I couldn't forget a single word of anything. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe it's just a talent or maybe I was born of a completely insane woman who died of a illness that made her completely numb to everything....Yeah it must be that.
So, to summit up, my mother died when I was born, I never knew my dad because they left each other before my mom was pregnant, and now I'm living with my crazy grandpa, my not-so-crazy grandma and my swallow-me-hades little cousin's.
I'm in the second year of highchool; I had great grades, I was an example for the little boys and girls in my house, I had great true friend's... now you might think I'm one of those ricchie good-to-eye's girl's that could pester anyone that wasn't good for the class or anything, but I'm not in one of the popular gang's that has no brain's but way too much muscle's (or in this case, as a girl, way too much chest and back ending) I'm the one who get's all the weird look's, the one that remind's the teacher to correct the homework he left the day before, the one that has few but true friend's....and the one with no parent's that could love her.
But I don't want to make the story sadder and make some of the people cry in the other side of the street... yeah I'm talking to myself again, ¿why, you may ask? Because everytime I stay quiet those strange voice's return to my head, speaking in different language's, saying that something bad is comming and it will destroy anything it can found, but I don't listen to them, ¿why? Because I don't want to end as crazy as my grandpa, who's always talking to the other chair beside me, telling 'it' to protect the little one's and me, always laughing at the end of his lungs to a 'joke' that 'it' told him, and dying because of his big attack's of Asma that then he thank's the 'it' by helping him. I really can't understand his crazyness, but I can't live without grandpa.
And now my friend's are coming so the better is to smile, say hello and go out with them. The firs't one to come was Tony, my really best-homie-friend, we alway's hang out together, even if it's just the two of us, we really have fun playing all of his videogames...returning to the real life, Tony came and hugged me, smilling as alway's.
"Hey, Allyson, ¿talking to yourself again?" His smile had alway's amazed me, and his grey eye's alway's caught me off guard sometimes, so I't was hard to lie to him, because he always got the truth out.
"¿Oh,really? ¿How did you find out?" I said with a slight tone of sarcasm,he just laughed and pointed to the sky.
"¿See that cloud?¿The biggest one really far away from the other's? Thats how lost you've been for the past few hour's." He chuckled, wich made me laugh and nugged his stomach.
"So you've been watching me for hour's, how cute, because I didn't knew I had a guard." He smiled again, and when he was about to talk again my other true homie, Annie, came and glomped me, almost ending on the floor, I scolded her but then hugged her.
"Allyson, I'm going to visit Jesse, ¿wanna come with me?" Jesse's Annie's boyfriend and, cassualy, my one-year-younger-than-me cousin, who live's an hour away from me, though I haven't seen him since the Spring Festival...
"No, thank's, Nini, I'd rather stay here and help granny with grandpa, the doctor said he was on his last's day's...but next time I'll definetly go." She nodded and left to the train station, Tony looked at me, smiled then left. He had told me earlier that day he was going to be at an orphanage as a volunteer to play with the kid's, he's really a good guy.
I returned to my house only to find granny fireing up the kitchen again trying to make waffle's, the only thing that she couldn't cook in the entire world, so I helped her to exterminate the little fire, and it ended with me cooking the dinner for tonight. Grandpa has been silent the entire time since I came to the house, maybe I should check up on him, just to see if he need's anything. I searched for him in the house, finally founding him outside, sitting in the chare beside 'it', as always, talking to him, but when he saw me, he called me and made me sit beside him.
He looked so serious right now, so it must be really important.
"Allyson, I know something about you..."
"¿About me?¿What is it?" Clearly, I was confussed, something he know's about me without me knowing it.
"Allyson, have you ever wondered what are those voice's in your head, telling you something is coming..." I was speechless.
"¿How did you know?"
"Yanade told me."
And with that I felt all dumb at the moment, he just smiled and kept on looking into my eyes, like questioning if I even knew about Yanade, wich I didn't, and made me do the craziest thing I could think of at that exact moment, I didn't thought about it, it just came out of my mouth.
"¿Who's Yanade?".

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2015 ⏰

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