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Task 2


Eveyone walked into the next room. The door automaticaly slammed behind us causing us to jump a little.

Everyone's faces were bloody and slightly cut, but not too deep.

"So what the fuck are we supposed to do now?" I asked.

"Aye y'all look!" Said prodigy while pointing to some ropes and chairs.

We all walked over to them and they had our names on them.

"The hell?" Kayla frowned "What are we supposed to do with this crap?" She grabbed a rope examining it.

I looked at all the ropes and chairs and noticed something. "Aye, all the ropes got the girls names on them and all the chairs got the dudes names on them, I think the guys have to sit in the chairs and the girls have to hold on to the ropes."

"I ain't holding on to shit!" Yelled kim as she folded her arms.

"Girl just shut the fuck up and do it so we can get to the next task." Said Ray as he sat down in the chair with his name on it. "I'm tryna make it out this bitch."

"Man, I don't wanna do this." Chresanto groaned and slowly sat in his chair.

The other boys found their chairs and the girls found their ropes.

Then as soon as me and boys sat down in our chairs, something metal wrapped around our waist not allowing us to get loose.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screamed ray as he started wiggling around in his chair "What the fuck!?"

"Oh my gosh." Kayla gasped.

Then the screen came on and there that doll was again.

"Hello. I see you have found your spots. As you men can see, you guys are locked down in chairs. Why? Because the ladies here are in control of your lives."

"The fuck does he mean by that?!" Ray yelled.

The doll continued to speak.

"There are two girls and four guys. These girls have two ropes which are connected to bricks. Two bricks on each rope. This will cause for alot of upper body strength in order to complete this. You girls will have to hold on to each rope with each arm. The bricks are connected to the boys chairs which means if you can't hold your bricks for the amount of time given, the bricks that are connected to each boy will get lowerd into the spinning blades under them which will chop the living soul out of them. So hold on tight girls and good luck."

Then screen goes blank.

"Oh my gosh! I'm not strong!" Yelled Kim, panicking.

"Girl you better find some strength today and hold the fuck on to them damn ropes because one of them are connected to me!" Yelled Craig.

Chresanto looked at his chair's rope and followed to see who had him. "Aye you got mines too!"

Kim began to cry "I can't!"

Then suddenly the boys chairs start to lift up into the air and the floor starts to open.

Out came the blades.

"Oh shit!" Yelled Jacob.

"Oh my gosh!" Screamed Kayla as she grabbed onto her ropes and started to pull them lifting up her bricks that were connected to Ray and Jacob.

Craig and Chresanto started to slowly lower towards the blades.

"AHHHHHHH!" Screamed Chresanto.

"GRAB THE DAMN ROPES!" Yelled craig.

Kim quickly ran to her ropes and held on to them causing Craig and Chresanto to stop moving.

"OMG IT'S SO HEAVY!!" Said kim as she held on to the ropes.

"Just hold on to them! I can't die today!" Cried Chersanto. "Not like this."

"Im trying!" She said back.

Kayla was still holding on to her ropes which were getting heavier and heavier.

"AHHH!!" Screamed kayla, struggling to hold on. Her arms were shaking hella bad.

"PLEASE HOLD ON!" Jacob pleaded in fear.

"Yeah you can do it!" Said Ray, trying to encourage her to not let go. "Just do that shit. Like Nike."

"I won't let yall die!" She said grabbing on tighter and pulling with all her strength making them rise up even more.

"Yes!" Jacob cheered.

Kim began to cry harder. "I CAN'T HOLD ON MUCH LONGER!!" The ropes start slipping from her hands making them go down a little.

"NO! YOU BETTER NOT LET GO!" Craig screamed at her.

Kim put her head down and closed her eyes. "I have to let one go." She said lowly.

She looked up at Chresanto with sad eyes and said. "I'm sorry."

"What?!" He yelled. "No!"

Then she let his rope go and held onto Craig's rope with her other arm.

"AHHHHHH!!!" Chresanto yelled and then he fell into the blades. Blood splattered everywhere as his body got chopped up.

Kim cried in sorrow.

The blades on the floor then stopped and the boys chairs went back down.

The girls let the ropes go and the boys were unlocked from their chairs. They quickly got up and hugged the girls.

"Thank you so much!" Craig said to Kim.

"Damn, you're one strong girl." Said Ray as he hugged Kayla

"Yeah. Like damn. You held on to them ropes like a real OG."

Then the screen came on.

"There was your second task. Time for your third. Grab those hammers in the corner and make your way towards the exit. You thought this was bad? Ha Ha. Think again. Your fate awaits you."

The screen went blank.

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