10 Is Typing...

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I'M STILL LOOKING FOR A JOB. Wooptie doo. -_-

      Every time I go to the corner store I press Mr.Colby about giving me one but still, he won't. He still thinks it's too dangerous. Especially after I got shot. When he found out he couldn't believe it. He almost jumped out of the glass the first time I walked in there.

I tell him, "it's not dangerous. I can protect myself." Back then, I was just saying it to get the job, but now, I'm serious. I've been taking my gun with me everywhere I go. Even to school. Luckily we don't get pat down because that wouldn't end well.

"I'm gone to the corner store! Love you!" I yell to my Ma before leaving. I get a flashback of the night I had said it to her before I was laid in the hospital bed but I shook it off. I'm over the whole situation and now, I wish somebody would pull they gun out on me. I triple check to make sure mine is on me before looking up at the Sun. "Wassup." I smile bright without a care in the world as I make my way down the sidewalk.

I've been practicing on my shooting and I've improved a lot. My grip was stronger now and the gun didn't feel heavy in my hands anymore.

A black car with tinted windows drove passed me slowly but I was unfazed. It had been doing that for a few weeks now.

Just show yourself already.

The little bell dinged when I entered the store. Mr.Colby wasn't there. It was a lady. "I can apply for a job?" I ask.

"We only have nights open."

"That's cool."

The lady squints her eyes at me. "You're that girl, aren't you?"

"What girl?"

"Mr.Colby told me about a girl trying to work the night shift and not to let her."

"I'm not her."

She shakes her head. "Come back tonight and talk to Mr.Colby he'll be here. I just wanna be safe."

I roll my eyes and get a Kit-Kat before roaming the tiny aisle's to see if I wanted anything. While I was scanning the shelves, the bell dinged indicating someone entered. I didn't pay it any mind as I picked up a Debbie Cake. I'll probably give it to the neighbor's daughter or something. I wanted a Coke so I went to the freezers to grab one but I halted once I noticed the Vanilla flavored one. I've never had that one before. Should I get it? Yep. I grab it.

       "Why you been avoiding me?" I quickly whip around and the freezer door slams shut. It was Karsonique. I swallow hard and back up into the cold glass.

       Aye, I might be growing thick skin but when it comes to her, I'm not there yet. "I haven't."

      She looks at me like really before smacking her teeth. "It's been a month since I saw you."

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