Wanna Bet? (Scout x Reader)

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You looked out through the window ledge you were sitting on. It was cold out, as seen by the leaves on the ground skipping along the dirt as the wind gracefully whisked them away.

It was ceasefire day, & the team was relaxing at the base doing what they do every ceasefire day.

Sniper & Spy were playing poker in the dining room, Soldier & Demo were yelling at the football players on the tv screen, Heavy was reading a book on a lounge chair, annoyed that the 2 men were getting riled up over a touchdown, Medic was working in the med-bay, & Pyro was watching Engie work in his workshop.

The only question was, where was Scout?

Getting up, you went to go look for him.

You've had a crush on Scout for a while now. He helped to train you when you first started out as a rookie on the team. He taught you how to use his scatter-shot gun, 5 different ways to knock someone out with a metal bat, & how to drink a Bonk soda in under 15 seconds.

As childish as he was, he grew on you quickly. The way he swiftly ran across the battlefield as he masterfully dodged speeding bullets from sentries, the way his dimples formed whenever he told a corny joke, the way his unique laugh & Boston accent got you to blush every time. You got redder with each passing second at even the mere though of that Boston boy.

As you walked down the corridor, you finally found Scout in his room. 'That's odd, why isn't he with the guys?', you thought to yourself.

As you closely observed Scout pacing back & forth, you noticed he seemed to be muttering something to himself, almost as if trying to rehearse what he was going to say. You leaned in closer to get a better understanding of what he was going on about.

"Ok ok, what about saying this: 'Hey there, sweet cheeks. I noticed you're sitting all by yourself. It's pretty cold out, mind if I sit next to ya to warm ya up?' .....Yep, no to dat.", Scout said, as he internally cringed at himself for feeling as if he was being too forward with his attempt. If there was one thing his Ma taught him, it was to always treat someone with respect instead of trying to instantly get into their pants.

Although still confused, you gave a light giggle as you watched Scout fail miserably at his task to act suave & cool. You decided to figure out what he was actually up to, so you walked straight in, scaring the dude half to death.

"AH- oh, it's just you, (y/n)", the Bostonian said, trying to catch his breath from your barge-in. "I was just-um.....flexing my awesome abs, yeah dat's it! Just flexing these absolute mountains of glory! Heh heh"

....Yeah, you weren't buying it.

You don't know why he was sweating like crazy though, I mean sure he can't be confident every single minute of the day, but why was he acting so weird?

"I saw you rehearsing something, wanna tell me what it was?", you said as you smirked, wanting to have some fun with this new flustered version of your crush.

Scout's eyes widened as he knew he just got caught.

"Yeah, w-well the thing is, dat um........... ok yeah, ya got me. I was doing something,...but i-it's none of your business! It's not like I'm gonna tell ya what I was doing that easily, now would I?"

If your interest wasn't peaked already, it definitely was now. You let your curiosity finally get the best of you as an idea popped into your head.

"Wanna bet? I'll tell you what, I challenge you to a Tournament & if I win, you have to tell me what you were doing.", You said with a smirk on your face, knowing he could never turn down a bet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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