Chapter Sixteen - Love Me Tender

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I've been driving for what felt like years, I've finally arrived at where Elvis was staying. There were a thousand girls crowded around the house, trying to look inside his window.

As I got out the car, taking the bag with me, I looked through Elvis' window too. I could see him, he had a confused look on his face, he was trying to figure out why there was a pink cadillac outside. That's when he saw me. His face brightened up.

Like a little kid, I watched him run away from the window. I walked over to the front door, lifed my hand up to knock, but before I could, Elvis opened the door.

"Bevie!" Elvis yelled in delight, he picked me up in his arms and hugged me.

"I missed you so much!" He mumbled into the crook of my neck, I hugged him back.

"I missed you too, E!" I kissed his cheek, keeping my arms around him. We ignored the screams of fans, trying to get to Elvis. He just closed the door and took me up to his bedroom.

I stayed in Elvis' arms until he plopped me onto his bed, he went to kiss me but I avoided him.

"Elvis." I spoke, through all the loud music coming from downstairs, they were partying.

"Yeah? Are you okay?" He tried to kiss me again.

I avoided his kisses and sat up, causing him to stand up and look down at me.

"You called me earlier." This was it, I was going to confront him.

'What if he is cheating?!'

If he is, then.. this is it.

"What about me callin' you earlier?" Elvis frowned, leaning against the wall.

"I heard a woman's voice, and kissing noises." I looked down to my lap, Elvis made a slight gasping noise and began to run his hands through his hair.

"Shit, shit, shit." Elvis' voice began to rose, as if he was telling himself off.

"Then- Then you randomly told me that you needed to go." I stood up and walked toward him.

"You weren't supposed to hear that.." Elvis mumbled, all I know is that I can't make Elvis too angry. He had a really bad temper.

"What was I not supposed to hear, Elvis? You and her fucking?" I walked closer to him.

"Don't you dare swear at me, young lady!" Elvis' voice rose again, he never likes when I yell, or swear. He likes me to stay in my place, below him, and not antagonise him.

"Young lady? I'm not your daughter!" I yell at him, I'm worried about anyone hearing us, the music is so loud, too loud.

"No, you're not my daughter. But you do not speak to my like that!" He yelled at me.

I walked over to him, "Does the girl your fucking talk to you like that?" I pouted, Elvis began to pace.

"No! She doesn't! And we haven't fucked!" Elvis turned to me.

"You're such a fucking liar." I've sworn too many times. Elvis had an angry look in his eyes, "I'm not telling you anymore, we didn't do anything. She tried to get me into bed but I said no."

At this point, he's towering over me, I'm backing away into the wall. He isn't yelling anymore, he sounds intimidating when he's not yelling.

"Bullshit!" I yelled, this was his last straw.

Elvis lifted his hand up, flew it at me and slammed his hand against the wall right next to my head. I flinched, keeping my eyes shut. I wouldn't expect Elvis to ever do this, I was petrified.

I felt a lump in my throat, "I'm not cheatin' on ya, you're the only girl I love." Elvis kept his hand where it was.

My eyes stayed shut, tears started to roll down my face. "Who was she?" I mumbled, opening my eyes to turn my head up at him.

"Some girl in my cast.. I'm so sorry my love.." Elvis finally said, realising that he had scared me.

I couldn't get any words out, I didn't have anything else to say to him. I just let myself cry. Then feeling Elvis' arms wrap around me, putting his hand on the back of my chest so I could cry against his chest.

He rested his chin on top of my head, kept one hand on the back of my head and one of my lower back, keeping me close to him.

"I love you, Beverly Marshall. I'd never cheat on you, you're the only girl I've ever felt this way for. You're the only girl I have my eyes on." He tried to make me feel better, which worked a little bit.

"You're my best little girl.." Elvis kissed my head.

'Best little girl'


I'm his little girl, I'm Elvis' girl. I always will be. I'm Elvis' only girl, I'm the only girl he has his eyes on.

The last time I saw my Daddy, he said that I was just a little girl, and that Elvis was just trying to keep power over me, because of how young I am.

'Is he trying to keep power over me?'

No! Of course not! He really loves me! I need to keep reminding myself that.

"Bevie, you're the girl I want to marry. You're the girl I want to start a family with. You're the girl I want to grow old with."

"You're the girl I'm going to be married to until I die.."

"You make me feel like I'm going to live  until at least 85." Elvis finished, making me have a smile on my face.

I wrap my arms around Elvis' lower stomach, since he's so tall compared to me I can barely reach the top of his head.

"So, can you forgive me now..?" Elvis questioned me, his voice was calmer, more soothing. The anger in his voice had just disappeared.

I nodded into his chest, keeping my face resting against him. I could feel Elvis' goofy smile spread across his face, "Good girl." Elvis pulled away.

I didn't lift my head to look up at him, so instead he took one of his hands, out it to my chin and lifted it up so I could look up at him.

Elvis pressed his soft, plump lips against mine. Keeping hold of my chin.

"I love you, Beverly Marshall." Elvis smiled down at me.

"I love you too, Elvis Presley." I bit my lip whilst smiling.

He let out a deep chuckle, keeping his eyes on mine.

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