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Katsuki softly rolled his front against Izuku’s which earned a moan from the omega. Izuku heard Katsuki chuckle and he didn’t know why until he realized his mouth was right next to his ear. The omega felt himself blushing even more at the realization of what Katsuki was insinuating by having Izuku hold him this close. He felt Katsuki shift as his hands slid down his body until long fingers were hooked into both his short and briefs. Izuku relaxed his hold on him as he lifted his hips.

His cock sprung out from beneath the suffocating garments and rested against his stomach. Izuku’s body was flushed, already settling in a film of sweat from the heat of his blankets and Katsuki’s body heat. Katsuki let out a soft cough at the strong scent of earthy, clean slick that escaped once Izuku’s sex was uncovered. Izuku loosened his grip on Katsuki even more as he tried to press his lower half deeper into the sheets to subdue the thick smell of sex already leaking out of him.

“Sorry, I know it’s strong.” Izuku said loud enough in Katsuki’s ear, “A lot of people leave after they smell it.” He told Katsuki, feeling a twinge in his heart at the mention of it. There had been more times than Izuku cared to count of when his partner would just stop and leave him to finish himself off cause they couldn’t stand his overbearing pheromones. He bit his lip as he thought about it before his eyes connected with Katsuki's for the hundredth time that evening.

“It is strong,” Katsuki agreed as he looked back at Izuku, “You smell fucking amazing, those are people are idiots. Now stop talking about them and focus on me, okay?” Izuku nodded at his words just before Katsuki placed a hungry kiss against his lips. Izuku inhaled through his nose as his hands slid into Katsuki's hair to tug softly at the styled the spikes. He now had a goal to make Katsuki's hair stick to his forehead by the time they were done.

Izuku whined as Katsuki’s teeth nipped his lips before his soft warm tongue slipped past the small entrance. Izuku whined as he took note of how the alpha tasted, the beer on his tongue was still strong but the sweetness of Katsuki’s scent made him taste like delicious candy on Izuku’s tongue. He could feel heat rush out of him just from fact Katsuki tasted so sweet. How could a man that looked so rough and angry taste so sweet? Izuku would never understand.

In earnest and against Katsuki’s order, Izuku let his neck go as his hands tried to slip between them to start undoing Katsuki's pants. Izuku couldn't wait anymore he felt empty and the need to be filled was growing bigger with each passing minute. He whined when his fingers fumbled but he heard Kastuki laugh against his lip before he pulled back. Izuku’s eyes fell to the wetness that rested on his lips and watched that sweet, pink tongue slip out to lick his lips.

“Are you that eager?” Katsuki asked as he pushed himself up only to receive a nod as an answer, “What was that I can’t hear you, Izuku? Can you speak louder for me?” Izuku huffed and dropped his hands from his previous objective and reached one free hand to hook behind Katsuki’s neck and pull him back down to his level. Izuku placed his lips just inches from his ear. He wanted to make sure the alpha heard him loud and clear.

“I want your knot, Kacchan.” Izuku said softly, “Please, give it to me.”

It didn’t take much pleading after Izuku said those words. Katsuki sat straight up and began working eagerly at his own zipper and shimmied out of his remaining clothes at an ungodly speed. It made Izuku laugh at how eager Katsuki had gotten just from his words. Before they went farther Izuku pointed to the nightstand. Thankfully Katsuki understood what he meant as he watched the alpha pull out a sheath of condoms. His eyes widened when he watched tear one off the top but then let the rest of them fall on the bed next to them instead of putting them back in the drawer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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