Chapter 4

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Gakushuu growled as he hung up the phone. "Karma, you're going to have to come with me." Karma looked up at Gakushuu from his lap. "Why?" Karma raised an eyebrow, looking at his husband confused. 
"I can't find anyone to come stay with you."

Karma's eyebrow dropped, and he frowned, slightly nervous. Gakushuu recognized the look in his eyes. "Hey, Don't worry, You won't be left alone." Gakushuu pulled Karma into his lap, while Karma leaned his head on Gakushuu's shoulder.

"Who have you tried?" Gakushuu listed everyone who knows Karma, except E-class. Kama smiled mischievously, and reached over for his phone, the turned himself around so Gakushuu could see what he was doing.

He made a groupchat with him and the rest of 3-E.

                                                                        Partners in Crime

Semi-Senioritis: What's up homies✨✨🥳

Picture-Book Graduate: Chrissy The Cheerleader

Forever Flat: NO NOT CHRISSY😭😭😭

Baseball Geek: Is there something you need Karma?

Semi-Senioritis: Yes, we're going shopping

Dating Sim Protagonist: When?

Hot-and-Cold Sniper: What he said

         "Semi-Senioritis?" Gakushuu questioned. Karma put his palm in front of Gakushuu's face "Be quiet!" 

Gender: Kayano's still crying about Chrissy. But we'll be there

Semi-Senioritis: OKAY HONEY'S, meet me at Starcourt Mall 2.0

Karma slid himself off of Gakushuu, while Gakushuu suddenly felt cold because of the missing body heat. He was so confused, he just shrugged and let Karma do his thing.

Karma came tumbling down the stairs. He scrambled to get the door, while Gakushuu stood in the background wondering if Karma was okay. 

He was met with E-class, with Nagisa on Teraseka's back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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