Team Calfvine

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Girmeadow is the final evolution form of Calfvine

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Girmeadow is the final evolution form of Calfvine. As she gets older, her neck gets more crooked.

Oh yeah, We would be here all day if I named all the new Pokemon so I gave you some. I will be giving you three new Pokemon and three returning Pokemon

Kingbill, the Normal/Flying type Pokemon is the most intimidating out of your six

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Kingbill, the Normal/Flying type Pokemon is the most intimidating out of your six. He is a very tertitorial species and whenever he attacks, a sonic boom is heard

 He is a very tertitorial species and whenever he attacks, a sonic boom is heard

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Of course you get Rhydon because who could forget about that little guy. A Normal Type. Because you are familiar with this Pokemon, I named him Rocksteady

Velocicretaceon is the only living true dinosaur Pokemon that is actually a dinosaur

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Velocicretaceon is the only living true dinosaur Pokemon that is actually a dinosaur. One of our graduates set up PokePark nearby the Alola region. His name was Chris Appletree. He was eaten by one of these fascinating  creatures. She is a Ground/Grass tyoe

Zebritska is an Electric type Pokemon named Racer for it's speed

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Zebritska is an Electric type Pokemon named Racer for it's speed

A new variant of Dodrio that is based off an ostrich and is a Flying Psychic type

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A new variant of Dodrio that is based off an ostrich and is a Flying Psychic type

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