Chapter 11: Troublesome Verbs

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Sammy awoke, tied to a chair, in front of a steel table. There was one dim light hanging above him, and there were children surrounding him.

“AH! What’s happening?” Sammy yelled at his captors.

“Sammy,” Samantha said as she stepped forward into the pool of light, “We’ve decide to have an intervention, your obsession with verbs is getting out of hand.”

“Gobble-dee-goooble-dee-goop! I’m not outta hand, you all be outta foot!” Sammy said in a mad ramble, slowly swaying side to side.

“This is what happens when you go too far, man,” Billy said as he took a place next to Samantha, “We should just drug him out into the street and leave him to fend for himself.”

“Hey! He’s my brother, just leave him be,” Marty said.

Johnny then decided it would be an opportune time to jump in front of Sammy and take his picture, “Yeah! Now that’s goin’ on my blog! He should of went crazy years ago,” He exclaimed loudly.

“Johnny, that ain’t right” Maxwell said, “We’re trying to help him.”

“Which one of ya’ knows ‘bout troublesome verbs?” Sammy finally exploded, his words slurred.

“Sammy, I think you should go lay down,” Evan said as he went up to Sammy.

“Gleep, glump, glop! Those troublesome verbs need to STOP!” Sammy yelled.

“Wait a minute, guys,” Randy said as he came out of the shadows, “I think I may be able to provide some insight. You see, you are all using verbs known as ‘troublesome verbs.’ Let me explain–”

“AH! Yo’ turnin’ just like Sammy!” Alexis yelled in shock.

“No, I’m just a genius, Sammy here, well, that’s another case. Anyways, troublesome verbs cause trouble for people because the principal parts are confusing and/or it can be hard to differentiate between some of the meanings of some of these verbs. Now, Billy, you should have said ‘drag’, not ‘drug.’ And Johnny, you should not say ‘of went’, rather you should say ‘have gone.’ Maxwell, you should know ‘ain’t’ isn’t proper English! And finally Evan, it should be ‘lie down’ not ‘lay down.’ Come on people, don’t you know any grammar?” Randy said.

“Why do you getta judge us?” Mariah yelled.

“Because I know proper grammar,” Randy stated. He looked over at Sammy who seemed to know be recovering from his insanity. “See, all it took was some good grammar. You guys really should have did your homework.”

Before the crowd could react, Sammy promptly passed out. He has been in a verb-induced-coma ever since. And yet, no one knows why…

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