11 years before present

152 3 0

(a/n)- ~yes i know they are five and five year olds don't usually talk like that at the age of five, just go along with it, i need the story to make sense T-T~

3rd pov
'what do I do...they won't leave me alone and just keep laughing at me...'

(y/n) is a five year old girl attending elementary school and the kids have been making fun of her for being adopted. It wasn't her fault that her parents accidentally had a kid and she knew that. But it still stung her to think that whatever the kids at school say is true

"You probably killed your mom and made your dad hate you."

"They probably thought you were ugly!"

"What if they didn't want you and you were just some mistake?"

(y/n) never brought this up to her adoptive parents because she knew they were always at work and she mainly stayed at the house with the family cat to keep her company. She'd go to school with her adoptive mother waving at her from the school bus. But when she got to school the bullying would start. She was kinda used to it, this happened everyday for the past 3 months. The kids who bullied her, including two girls and one boy, usually didn't bother during or in between classes. They bothered her during recess. They would act friendly and hug her from behind but really they were strangling her and saying the things that stung (y/n).

"Hey (y/n), have you ever thought how happy your parents are without you right now?" asked the one girl and she giggled a little at the end, tightening her grip around (y/n).

(y/n) frowned, thinking about how happy her parents might actually be without having their child with them.

"What if they both died?" asked the other girl, who was poking (y/n)'s cheek.

"You'd want to join them, wouldn't you (y/n)?" teased the same girl poking (y/n)'s cheek, who was now pinching it.

'Leave me alone..'

"Aww she looks like she's going to cry!" the boy laughed, causing the other girls to laugh.

(y/n) couldn't take it anymore. Sure, she was used to these same kids making fun of her everyday but she was human. She couldn't take everything being thrown at her. She was going to break eventually. It was only until today that she finally snapped.

The (h/c) haired girl grabbed the girl strangling her by her arms and (y/n) threw the girl over her shoulder, onto the ground. (y/n) was slightly taken aback by the sudden strength she got but didn't care.

"Oww! What is wrong with you!" exclaimed the girl that (y/n) had just thrown on the ground.

"I said leave me alone..." (y/n) mumbled loud enough for the three others to hear. She walked away leaving her schoolmates stunned.

~Three weeks after~

Everyday at school, the three kids that bullied (y/n) usually avoided her. (y/n) was okay with that. But the girl thought the bullies deserved a little something more for treating her the way they did for 3 months.

During recess, (y/n) managed to corner the three.

"You treated me like garbage for 3 months...I'll treat you like something worse for the rest of our time here.."

She sprinted towards the three frightened children, and to (y/n)'s surprise, she was incredibly fast. She was aiming to slap the boy in the middle. The bullies were taken aback by her sudden speed and barely got away before (y/n) could hit them.


(y/n)'s hand ended up making contact with the wall and leaving a dent double her size. (y/n) wasn't paying much attention to what she just did to the wall, she was completely satisfied with the terrified looks on her schoolmates faces.

One of the girls screamed. (y/n) sprinted at the one who screamed, aiming full force at her. Teachers came running towards the direction of the scream to barely see (y/n) sprinting towards the girl who let out the scream.

"(Y/N) (A/L/N) (adoptive last name)!"
one of the teachers yelled, causing (y/n) to slow down directly in front of her target.

"Please help! She's trying to hurt us!" cried the girl who was hopelessly sitting in front of (y/n), tears streaming down her face.

The teachers looked at (y/n), noticing the hole in the wall. Some of the teachers looked stunned but there was one that looked sternly at (y/n). It was the one who yelled at her to stop.

"(y/n) did you make that hole in the wall? I suggest you answer me now young lady."

"Yes, it was me." answered (y/n), not sparing a glance at the teacher.

"Why are you trying to hurt these kids?"

"Because they hurt me. It only makes sense to return that pain, doesn't it?"

"Why would you ever think that young lady?"

"Because karma is a real thing. I don't know what I did to deserve the life I have now but I'm guessing the reason was karma. At least that's what they told me." replied the (h/c) haired girl, pointing at the three kids she almost could've killed.

*🚨insert siren noises🚨*

(y/n) looked towards the red and blue lights as she saw police running towards the playground, in which they were located.

"Over here officer. Be careful. This girl made that dent in the wall over there." warned one of the teachers who (y/n) didn't notice had snuck away.

The woman brought at least 6 officers with her and the look on their faces when they looked at (y/n) and then the dent in the wall.

"Listen up kid, whatever you are, put your hands up and get on your knees." the police officer seemed calm saying what he just said even though he had no idea what other abilities the girl may hold.

'whatever I am? I am not a thing or an object...why is he saying that like I'm some kind of monster...'

"No, do not get involved in whatever has nothing to do with you"

"I'm a police officer, it's kind of my job kid. Now hands up and on your knees. I will not repeat myself again" now the officer was holding up a gun towards (y/n).

(y/n) noticed the bullies standing with the teachers, looking at (y/n), still scared of the experience they just had.

(y/n) started waking towards the police officer, but once she did, the five others started circling her, guns in hand.

"You're really going to shoot a little girl."

"Not shoot, but use something that won't harm you.


(y/n) couldn't see anything. She slightly panicked as she started looking around, only to be met with whatever the police shot at her.


(y/n) started coughing aggressively as she landed on her hands and knees. Her vision started to go blurry as the smoke cleared. She saw the teachers talking with some officers and saw the other officers waking towards her with handcuffs.

'Get up...'

That's what she told her but couldn't build up the strength in herself to do so. And with that (y/n) completely blacked out.


Ok so this is my first ever fanfiction and I hope I did well. T-T

Uhmm I just want people's opinions on if i should continue or not, and will not continue until I get some responses in.

Anyways, here goes some waiting while I get responses if anyone ever finds this book. 😭


Word count: 1296

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