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Isabella was woken up by the sounds of screams, she jumped out of her warm bed and ran outside barefooted because she didn't have time put her shoes on.

As she pushed the doors open she was met with a horrifying scene, her village was on fire and people were being captured by soldiers. If the villager fights them, they'll bring their swords out and kill him instantly.

She went back to look for her family but no one was home, they all were gone. She put her blonde hair in a bun and decided to run away and hide. She ran towards the forest, she can feel the soldiers running after her but she just kept going, but who is she against them. She felt someone trip her and she fell in the mud, they grabbed her and dragged her to a horse drawn carriage but instead of where to sit it was a cage. She looked at other girls captured there with her and she just sat down not moving.

As the carriage moved, she saw soldiers pushing her brother around and laughing at him. She yelled his name but he was getting beaten he didn't get to call for her, one of the soldiers stabbed him with his sword. At the sound of her screams, one of the men guarding the carriage hit her with the back of sword making her fall back unconscious.

The captured have been brought to their new home, the men will either be sent to prison or sold to marchands to help them. For the women, the prettiest were sent to the Emperor's castle and the oldest and the not so pretty will be married or sent to a house where they'll be taken care of, with food to eat and a safe place to sleep.

As for Isabella, she was brought with other girls to the castle, they had to be bathed and cleaned up to be suitable to go inside with the other maidservant. They were standing in front of a big door waiting as they were told when a woman walked in, she was wearing a long dress like outfit with silver and brown strips. It was a manly fit but nobody dared to say anything.

"My name is Rana and I'm her majesty's right hand. I'm here to tell you the rules of this castle" her? Thought Isabella.

"The empress is the highest and the most respected person and you do not dare talk or look her in the eyes when she walks by. You stay quiet. Understood?" All the newbies nodded there heads surprised that the emperor is actually a woman.

"You all will be giving what to wear and where to sleep, and all the women in this castle belong to the empress. You are not allowed to go outside or see a man or have any love interest" the women looked at each other confused the weird rules, they were coming from different cultures and they had to obey if they wanted to live.

Rana looked around scanning all the girls until her eyes stopped on one special girl, her blonde hair was resting on her chest and she had the most beautiful brown eyes she's ever laid eyes on. But she averted her eyes away because she is not aloud to look or desire any of these women, they belong to the empress.

The women were bathed and were giving what to wear, long dresser with sleeves were see through and each girl had a different dress with different color. The more fancy the dress was the more the women was closer to the empress. And the newbies were at the bottom compared to the girl's who already lived there. Isabella hated this, she hated the life of being a slave to the heartless empress that killed her family and people. She just wanted to go back home...

You guys are sooo gonna love this one, also I'll be showing the outfits they'll be wearing because this story will be from the magnificent century and they used to wear silk and fancy things..... Anyways please just read I promise you'll love it.

Ps: Rana's outfit in the media.

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