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I opened the door go Leyla's room and walked inside. She knew I'll be coming here so she let my son stay, she knows I won't yell at her in front of him.

"Mom!" Rey, our son, came running to me. I picked him up and kissed his cheek.

"You grew so big!" I touched his small arms, he smiled at me and just nodded his head.

"My Lord" I heard Leyla say, she was looking at the ground. I put Rey and called for one of the maids to take him out of the room to play in the garden.

"My Lord I can explain, I swear she barged in my room and accused me of stealing her ring. Then she threatened and attacked me." She explained, I put my hands behind my back and scanned her face. There were no traces of bruises or scratches or anything that indicates she was actually attacked by Isabella while on the other hand Isabella's face had visible bruises.

"How come there's nothing on you then?" She gave me a look and then she came closer sitting in her knees, she took my robe in her hand and kissed. She started crying and telling that she didn't mean to hurt her, she was scared Isabella will attack her so she did it first.

"You're lucky Rey is my son or you'll be banished to the northern castle" I yanked my robe and left her crying.

Rana was waiting for me in the garden, she greeted me and we went to barn to get our horses.

"Rana I forgot the letters on my desk, go bring them please" I sighed, she bowed and jogged back to the castle.


After I gave the letters to Shay we went on a promenade on the horses, the guards have been following us for protection even though this was a safe place.

We were just enjoying the beautiful nature when I saw something move behind trees.

"My Lord..." I said, she looked at me wondering why I sounded so unsure. She noticed that I was staring at the trees.

"What is it Rana?" She said getting off her horse, we were standing next to a stream, it was so silent in her but we could still hear the water.

"My Lord you need to leave immediately" I said, she gave me a look and then she turned to look back at the trees. Then whoever or whatever that was moved again. I pulled my sword and so did the guards. Then I heard from behind us something move I looked and there stood two people with scarves around their faces holding bows directed towards the empress. Bandits.

"My Lord!" I yelled running in front of her, I felt the arrow hit me in the back of my leg and the other on my back. As the two of guards stood in front us while one went back to bring protection.

Shay grabbed my arm and put it on her shoulder, while the other was around my waist. She helped me limp back to my horse.

More guards were coming but it was too late, the bandits have ran away. Some followed them while the others escorted us back to the castle, it hurt more to ride the horse with an injured leg but I had no choice.

As soon as I reached the castle, Shay yelled at the guards to go get the doctor. I was starting to sweat and I felt cold. I could barely feel my hands and legs as I fell on the floor.

A faint voice was heard calling my name but I was too tired to reply or say anything, I just laid on my stomach.


I opened my eyes and I realized I was back in my room. In the corner I saw the figure of a woman sitting with her face between her hands.

"Leyla?" Her head shot up and her face looked like she was crying. She stood up and walked next to my bed sitting next to me. I pushed myself up to sit and I gave her a small smile.

"I was so scared Rana" she whispered as a tear fell down her face. She was so close to me, I didn't say anything I just kept looking at her with a sad look.

She scooted closer to me and put her hands on my face pulling me closer to her. Her soft lips met mine in a meaningful kiss.

"I missed you" I said, she put her forehead on mine. She kissed my cheek and wrapped her arms around me, why does she pretend she loves Shay when clearly she has feelings for me and the biggest proof is Rey.

"How's Rey?" I asked her,

"He misses you, you haven't come to see him lately" she explained, I gave her a sad smile. Well there is a reason behind that.

"Well everytime I see him he brags how his mom is so strong and he can't wait to grow so he can fight on her side while I listen to that knowing very well he's mine" I said, her eyes widened, she quickly got up from the bed giving me a glare.

"I told you to forget about that, we do not talk about this Rana" she whispered yelled,

"Are you scared she'll execute us Leyla? Or are you scared you won't be a princess?" This was why we stopped seeing each other behind Shay's back. She was the woman I had feelings for, she was the one driving me crazy. She wanted to be the princess so bad, that she lies to everyone, she lies about having Shay's son.

"Order! Her majesty the empress!" We heard one of the guards say, Leyla wiped her tears and bowed her head waiting for Shay to walk in.

"Ah Rana you're awake I'm gl-... Leyla? What are you doing here?" Asked Shay, Leyla gave her a smile like she wasn't crying a minute ago.

"I came to check on Rana, she did save our empress. She's a hero" she said not looking at me.

"Of course she is and I trust her with my life" Shay said and those words made me feel so guilty, I couldn't look her in the face. Maybe I should just bury my feelings and stay away the best I can from Leyla.

Biggest plot twist of the century

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