7. We dated different people...

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Abby's cheeks warmed up to Christopher's gentle nature towards her at the age of 12, but she realized that her feelings were stronger the first night after he went to another town for college. Her chest was tight, she felt immeasurable sorrow and pain in her heart, and the tears came streaming down her face on their own. She was, luckily, alone in the room (with Emma being on a sleepover) so she sobbed into her pillow until late in the night as she realized that Christopher wasn't just her "crush"... she was really in love with him.

Their "sibling" bickering was cute and fun when they were young but now, that their bodies changed and they matured every day, their bond was no longer the "sibling" type. At least that's how Abby saw it...

Abby thought it was ridiculous to feel jealous when Sophie, Christopher's friend from taekwondo, visited him when he had an injured ankle. At first, the black-haired Korean girl came with other kids from the club but Abby started feeling this tightness in her chest when Sophie visited Chris alone... every day, bringing him homework, sweets and snacks, movies for them to watch together... And it wouldn't be a problem if Sophie was friendly with Abby. Instead, she was mean but made it all look innocent and subtle. Ignoring Abby or closing the door of Christopher's room right in her face were regular occurrences.

So, soon after Christopher went back to school after his injury, news reached Abby and she was left in shock - Christopher and Sophie started dating. 

At the age of 12, Abby experienced her first heartbreak. That night, she cried to Emma, confessing her complicated feelings.

"Oh, Abby..." blonde Emma sighed, hugging her roommate and close friend sideways.

"I feel like a fool!" Abby shouted into the palms of her hands, "I made myself believe that his every gentle touch, word, or smile meant something... I was so blind... I'm such an idiot!" she cried more, "He obviously sees me like a sister and here I am... stupidly falling in love!"

Emma tightened her hug, caressing Abby's lowered head, "You're not stupid, Abby... After all you two have been through, it's only natural that you feel this way..."

Abby sprung up, glaring at Emma with her tearful red eyes, "No, it's not natural! God damn it, Emma, if I ever told him how I feel, he'd find it sickening!"

"You don't know that--"

"Yes, I do!" Abby yelled, the volume of her voice surprising the other girl, "If Christopher saw me any differently than 'a sister' he wouldn't start dating Sophie!" she paused to regain her breath, "And he obviously wouldn't look like he's on a cloud nine every time I see him!"

Emma fell silent. The truth and logic of Abby's words made her silently nod her head while staring at her joined hands on her lap. She didn't know how to comfort the younger girl who continued crying, now falling on the bed and hugging her pillow. She didn't have any dating experience yet alone a crush on a boy, but she really hated seeing Abby sad.

"I know it's not my place to tell you this and I know it'll sound harsh..." Emma started when Abby's cry calmed, "but you have to accept the situation," Abby stopped her sobs and just listened, her face still buried in the pillow, "It hurts you because he doesn't share your feelings but... you can't force someone to love you... and you certainly can't meddle between two people to forcefully separate them because that will only make you a bad guy of the story..." Emma paused again, preparing herself for the final part of her speech, "So, the best way is to accept their relationship and move on, with that tiny speck of hope lingering somewhere in your heart that, in the end, you two will be together."

The room fell silent now, only the sound of their breathing was heard. Abby sniffled once and hugged the pillow tighter.

"Thanks, Emma," she spoke, her voice muffled by the foam stuffing of the pillow, "but can you, please, leave now?"

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