New town

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My dad recently passed away. So me and my mum move away to keep it off our minds.
Ever time I think about it I cry, but it's the first day of school so I try not to.

I see a boy and a girl walk out of the house next to me. " They must be my neighbours", I say walking over to them. " hi",I say shyly standing in front of them.

"Who are you"? The boy said. "Well I'm y/n, I'm new here, and you are"? I reply trying not to sound sad. " I'm finney, but you can call me Finn, are you alright you look sad". He said. " I'm fine". I say rolling my eyes.

I looked at the girl, before I said anything she said " I'm Gwen". " Cool 😎 name". I say " Thanks". She said smiling

*Time skip at school*

"Oooh I have someone you might like to meet"! Finn said excitedly. " Who could I possibly what to meet Finn"? Before I could say anything else he dragged me by my wrist over to a boy talking to Gwen.

Finn pushed me so I bumped into him " Hey watch it dork". He said rolling his eyes. Finney came up to him and said " This is my new friend Y/n". Finn said trying to get in the way of the drama, he could see I wanted to punch the boy in the face.

" why would I want to meet this boy"? I whispered to Finn. But before I got a reply the other boy said...

Y'all imma leave you on a cliffhanger heheh 😈

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