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Usually house hunting isn't a very big deal, however, in this case, I have less than a week to be out of here. A broke college student trying to find an affordable apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the world where a single slice of pizza costs $12.50. Now that's just asking for the impossible.

"For the last time Milly, it's fine. It's not a big deal," I say, mostly to myself because in all seriousness, having to move out of your friend's apartment on such short notice is a very big deal. "You're getting married soon and you need your own space. I can find another apartment this week."

"If you say so," she replies out of my smashed phone screen. "I'll help you look around if you need to. I'm sorry to do this to you."

"For the last time, stop apologising, it's fine. I have to get back to work now so I'll see you later."

I hang up the phone and lean over my desk muttering to myself as I think through all my assignments due in the next week. I can't afford a new place with my upcoming payment for my student loans and everybody knows that apartments in New York are way too damn expensive. I suddenly snapped out of my mild breakdown when I remembered I left some manuscript paper at the publishing company I'm working at. Great job me, you just had to screw it up again. I grabbed my keys and sent a message to Milly saying I won't be home. The last train leaves in 7 minutes, just enough time. I slip on my shoes and jog towards the subway station.

I swipe my ID card next to the door and push it open once it beeped. I head towards the elevator and press the button for the 3rd floor. The lights flicker on and off as I ascend. When I stood on the 3rd floor, the lights went out. I can hear something strange, as if someone was tenderising a slab of beef. My eyes dart to the other side of the room and I see a tall figure dragging something heavy across the floor.

"Hello?" Great. Good job. Classic white girl move. The figure stops dragging the... thing and looks directly at me. I can feel its eyes burning into my face as it starts to take long strides towards me. I take a couple steps back and lean against the, now closed, elevator doors and I frantically try to find the down button. As it comes closer, it becomes clear that it's a man. Without slowing, he reaches towards me and puts his hand around my neck and bangs his fist against the elevator door. His hand is large and could easily wrap around my whole throat.

"What are you doing here?" He asks in a deep voice gripping my neck a little tighter.

"I- I'm-" I struggle. I can barely breathe. I close my eyes and stop trying to find the elevator button. "I forgot... something-"

His grip tightens a bit more and he lets go of my neck, letting his hand fall to his side.

"Hurry up."

He turns around and walks to the thing he left on the floor. I was still frozen in place, dazed from what just happened. I contemplate going back but my boss would have it out for me if I don't get the manuscripts and I'd rather not see that. I reluctantly walked to my desk after the man closed one of the office doors behind him.

"Crap where is it?" My hands are shaking amongst one of the desks, trying to sift through the garbage that piles over it. I wipe the back of my neck and feel a strange liquid. By now my eyes have adjusted to the dark and I can see a faint red tint on my hands. I freeze. My eyes trail up to the office the man was in. Only the door is now wide open. I bolt to the nearest bathroom not caring if he hears me or not. I slide down along the bathroom wall and turn on the flashlight on my phone. Blood. There's blood all over my hand. I stand up and face the mirror and my reflection stares right back at me. There's blood all over my neck where the man's hand was. I go absolutely hysterical. Tears are running down my face as I desperately try to wash the blood off at the sink. There's no pain and no cut on my neck so it's obvious the blood isn't mine. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. There's a loud knock on the door and I scream.

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