Chapter 1

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It was nice day at Swellview high school. The hallways were clearing out. The first bell just rang and like always I find a place to hide. That's me Ava Marie, I don't ever go to class. I just wander the halls until I find something interesting. I've found something in every hallway so far. A hidden wall, a secret classroom, a secret staircase near the gym, I find all kinds of things. The one place I haven't gone to yet is on the other side of the school. Everyone warned me not to go there apparently, it's been abandoned for years. But me, Ava Marie is up for a challenge. I started to make my way over to that part of the school until I heard keys. I made a run for it so I didn't get caught. I don't know why but I get so nervous when I hear the administrators, I mean I do it every day. When I heard that they were gone I came out from my hiding space. I started walking toward the other part of the school. I pass through the long balcony and finally reach the other side.
"AHHH! OMG! Peter, you scared me!"
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Peter said. "What are you doing on the other side of the school."
I started telling him about the stories I heard about this side of the school.
"We should check it out together" Peter said.
"Yeah, sure, it's better than doing it alone."
Peter eyes my outfit.
"Nice outfit. You look like a farm girl."
I'm wearing faded Shortall's and a scoop-neck floral shirt. It does look farm-girlish, but I think in a nice way. I'm wearing my brown lace-up combat boots, and they're only a half size too big. With thick socks, they're a perfect fit.
Peter opens the door slowly getting a creaking sound from the very old door. We walk in peter is in front, I'm behind shaking in fear.
"AHHH!" We both screamed for our life's. We started seeing something moving. "Okay now stay behind me okay" Peter said. I stayed behind peter. Peter can see things that I don't. Peter yelled
"Ava! LOOK OUT!"
I duck as fast as I can. BAM! "What was that!" Peter came towards me and yelled "LET'S GO NOW" Peter then grabbed me and took me to a room.
"Ava are you okay"
Peter asked in a calming voice that I've never heard. I sat there on the floor shaking in fear. He took my hand and looked me in the eyes. "Peter I'm scared"
Peter looked at me and spoke.
"Hey, hey, look at me ava. It's okay. Imma protect you okay. Now I'm going to change and then we are going to get out of here"
Peter changed and we rushed out of there. I have never been that scared in my life. Me and peter hurried back to the main building. Peter goes about his regular school day, keeping a low profile. After chemistry Peter is at his locker still thinking about what happened earlier. Peter glances over and sees Ava at her locker. Slowly, he finds his feet moving in her direction.
"Hey ava, Can I talk to you?" Peter said.
"Yeah. What's up?" I said.
"About earlier, I'm sorry about what happened I didn't expect that to happen-" peter gets cut off in the middle of speaking
"Hey Peter It's alright I understand it."
"Really you do" Peter said.
"Yes, I do"
"Well, I have to head home now, do you need a ride?" Peter said
"No. I'm good. Thanks though" I suddenly think of an idea "Actually, do you want to come over"
Omg! Did I really just say that. What is wrong with me.
Peter turns around and looks at me weird then starts to speak "Um, yeah sure."
We start walking towards the parking lot. Once we get out to the parking lot. We head our separate way to our cars.

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